Since we had to rush 1.4 out, there was some issues that needed to be ironed out. Some loose ends to be tied etc.
This is a very small update with no new features. Simple changes or bug fixes is all we got here folks! All of this was done just today. If there is any other issues please post here.
I will possibly do one more 1.4 version, perhaps 1.4c. This again will be a very small update before we get to what I plan on making an epic 1.5 version. 1.5 is half way though the series, so it only makes sense to make it a large update.
Anyway, here is the list of changes/fixes for 1.4b:
Got rid of the warning of a server restart spam that never even happens after all the spammage lol
Maximum connected IP's allowed at once has been risen to Four.
Added the Eggland zone.
Fixed a bug with Luka_Ristic's house
Fixed a bug with jacking a Fancy Car.
Fixed a slight spam bug with the lotto.
Lotto Winners now echo to IRC.
Login and Registrations now echo to IRC.
Fixed a bug with Weapon Packs
An issue with Deadpro's Airport Ownership being lost.
Changed Xplicit's name for his Apartment
Apartment vehicles will now respawn at your parking spot after 200 seconds.
Fixed an issue with Deadpro's house vehicles.
Will no longer always say you can't /escape from prison.
You no longer lose your bank or business insurrance upon death.
Hopefully fixed the bug where undercover cops sometimes stay white after leaving their vehicle. If you notice this happening again, please let me know.
Enjoy and remember to post any further issues!