Yeah,I'm back.Sorry for the sudden 'vanishing'. Summer holiday started so I got overwhelmed by gaming,Skyrim,LoL,The Darkness 2,other shit everyday:<
Right now I'll try to be more active on the forums and server,but my parents keep making me take a break from the PC.
And,I also have lots of questions to ask:
What is going on here?o.o
I seen Karagon,GamerX getting banned.WatakiWatako is also here as a scripter.
Did you guys merge or what?
Explain please?
EDIT:Wow,just saw the introduction topic,I'm confused as F*ck here.
Did real crrpg merge with enigma?
Cuz i see many players from that server,here.
And yes,I did read the FGRPG announcement thingy