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Author Topic: EggStats v1.0  (Read 10635 times)

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EggStats v1.0
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:23:33 am »
EggStats is a way to watch your progress grow. From how many robberies you have committed to how much money you made from those robberies. This is the first version so there isn't really much to it. I am open to new suggestions and what to add next. In the following list I will mention what it already does and what I plan on it doing in the future. As this is on Houston, I only want EggStats suggestions and bugs here. Everything else should go in Houston's thread. Hope you guy's can find this useful.

Registration: About as easy as it gets.. One simple command and you're in forever, even for future added things. The command to register goes with the name so watch the spelling as I have already found it has confused people. lol. All you have to do is type "!reggister" In-Game, not IRC. Reason for it being IG is so that way it knows your player name. NOTE: If you change your IG Name. You will be restarting. It logs it by name, not anything else.

Personal Messages: You can receive a personal message from Houston on how you're doing every time you complete a task, such as robbing a store. I haven't completely figured out how I am actually going to do the PM's but I am up to any suggestions. You can enable PM's doing the command "!eggme" and disable it using the same command. You must be registered to use this command. He will also not log any of your robberies until you register. You can register and not ever see a PM, it will still log all your robberies and future events.

Things EggStats does as of right now: EggStats logs your connections and disconnections, and logs when you rob stores, players, and Bank cards from people who are offline. This is all I have done for the first version and added a lot of secure features in it to make sure it doesn't screw up, but like all machines, I a sure it will mess up eventually.

Things I'd like to see in the future: I plan on having him log all Terrorist stuff, cop stuff, and all thief stuff. Anything a civilian and City workers (cops, firefighters, paramedics, and garbage) do. I plan on saving all of that. Any suggestions for EggStats will be greatly appreciated. And also Please post any bugs! they are probably the most important thing I want to make sure isn't happening.

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Re: EggStats v1.0
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2015, 02:52:56 pm »
Houston,we have a problem!
A guy who got his life back