I'm happy to announce that with the agreement of Byrner and Robocop, I have created an whole new concept of criminality. With BH being old and rot, a new lead was needed, as already thought by many. This new org is Al-Zein and you can see it right here:
This is just a statement however, a leader wasnt yet decided and your opinion is much appreciated. If you wish to enter this new org, reply your wishes accordingly, and most importantly, don't forget to share your opinions, whether negative or positive, since this will be an important part of ECNR, and it should go on the theme of Organization Rivalry, therefore feedback is
Extremely Important. This org does also have a moto, "Ich Will" as well as a theme song "Rammstein - Ich Will". Following the org intro, there is a video with this very same song and what to be expected of it's way of doing things; either way the link will also be displayed here:
Hope this change is much of your liking and lets hope this time we have a prosperous rivalry this time