I would like to extend a massive thank you to everyone who has been playing recently. I've thoroughly enjoyed releasing this update. Several nights of sleep were lost due to excitement before the release lmao
List of bugs found and fixed since the release:
•People would be banned for spawning "Weapon with ID ..." incorrectly.
•People would be unjailed after spawning in 2.0 for the first time. (Including old & new players)
•Cops weren't getting XP for killing people.
•Some terrorist actions were possible without leveling up.
•Some terrorist actions required the wrong level
•People would spawn back where they were before they got arrested, after being unjailed.
•After leaving the jail interior, people wouldn't be unfrozen.
•People wouldn't loose a stolen credit card if they die.
•The cops couldn't search people for stolen credit cards.
•The IRC bots would stop sending messages to IRC after a while.
•/asay wasn't working
•If someone rings the doorbell, anyone inside a house could allow the person to enter.
•Suspects were always sent to LVPD or the Mount Joy (Ireland) regardless of their wanted level
Small change: All of the new players seemed to be spawning as cops because it was the first thing on the class selection list. When you connect, a random class will be shown now.
Things are looking very stable at this point, thanks for reporting any bugs that you found.
As always, report any bugs