Hey guys, I would Love to say i love this server very much and all you guys are like family to me. My activity will decrease a lot from January 6- Early may. Mostly February 17- Early May. The reason for my activity. After thinking about it for months, i have decided I am going to continue to play Lacrosse for my school, and i feel like i would regret it if i quit. I probably wont have time to play during the week, but maybe the weekends. The seconded/third reason is my new years resolutions
1)I would like to spend less time playing video games and rotting my brain out. I feel like they are taking my life over, and sometimes they inter fear with school.
2)I would love to build up my relationship with God. I do go to a Christian school, but I need to know him a lot more. I've had a lot of shit happened to me in the past 1.5years. On the 13th it will be a year without my Grandma, my mom has no parents left. Then in September 2012, my uncle comited suicide. So yea, i want to become closer because he has done sooo much for me and my family ^_^, he keeps you up in hard times^_^.
So there you go, I will keep you posted on my shit