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Messages - cr33p1ngd34th

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
Games / Re: Count to 10000
« on: June 12, 2013, 09:11:09 am »
28  8)

EGCM Guides / Re: Voltz - What will the plugins be?
« on: June 01, 2013, 03:34:36 pm »
ME LIKEY. lol But seriously the factions and Galacticraft sound fun to me :P

Introductions / Re: Hi there!
« on: May 31, 2013, 05:32:45 pm »
Infamous :D I haven't seen you since Moincraft, Glad to see you back mate!

Announcements / Re: The Almighty 1.5
« on: May 25, 2013, 10:08:36 pm »
Wataki and Byrner, you guys have totally spiced up the game play for me, therefore making it more fun and addictive of a gamemode. The waste collection job is so much easier than it was before, the fire-fighting is fixed and awesome, I especially love the rigging system with the detonator, pure genius :P. I'll probably be on more often because of my love for this community and gamemode.

 P.S. Watch out because I will blow you up when you least expect it!  ;D

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Stealth Device for Criminals
« on: May 08, 2013, 04:34:29 pm »
I support this suggestion with the following changes to the first post:

  • All law enforcement officers must be able to use this 'EMP Blast'.
  • Only most wanted criminals are able to use the stealth device.
  • There must be space for this 'stealth device' in the backpack and warehouse space.
  • Stealth can't be activated if no law enforcement officers are online (army/cops), so if all the online cops log off, the device automatically turns off.
  • The device will have a time limit it can be used for, so players can turn it on and off until they hit the limit it can be used (10 - 20 or 30 minutes, maybe?).

With the said changes, the stealth device can be used and saved for later, by storing in the backpack or warehouse space.

I agree^  8)

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Stealth Device for Criminals
« on: May 06, 2013, 05:45:16 pm »
Instead of just Army being able to 'EMP Blast', law enforcement officers could just go to A51 and do it themselves to make it more fair

ECNR Suggestions / Stealth Device for Criminals
« on: May 05, 2013, 03:50:47 pm »
This could be a new era for criminals, although it may be a little overkill but you guys tell me. It would be a stealth device that would be available for a certain amount of money and it makes your blip disappear like the army's 'stealth' mode. Then the army would have a checkpoint in their base called an 'EMP Blast' that would cost a certain amount of money and makes all the blips reappear for the people who are using active stealth devices.

Introductions / Re: eXon's Reign
« on: March 24, 2013, 03:30:11 am »
Do you still have that really high pitched voice?

No, he grew some balls. Lmao. Welcome back eXon! You are now the person that is the least distance from me. :D You skateboard?

Fixed / Re: [BUG] Bussiness
« on: March 15, 2013, 02:50:23 pm »
9(10:45:34) <07%ECNR1> Underated(3) has recieved $163006 from his Airport business
9(10:45:34) <07%ECNR2> Underated(3) has recieved $95457 from his Club Diva business
9(10:45:34) <07%ECNR1> Kirigaya_Takasu(4) has recieved $198359 from his Airport business
9(10:45:34) <07%ECNR2> CR33P1ND34TH(7) has recieved $49172 from his Bomb Shop business
9(10:45:34) <07%ECNR1> CR33P1ND34TH(7) has recieved $21822 from his Airport business
9(10:45:34) <07%ECNR2> CR33P1ND34TH(7) has recieved $62920 from his Smack Shack business
9(10:45:34) <07%ECNR1> CR33P1ND34TH(7) has recieved $192155 from his Fancy Car Showroom business

I dont own the airport lol but yes it is bugged

Fixed / [MISTAKE] BH bot still not showing bank transactions
« on: March 12, 2013, 04:10:26 pm »
Description of the bug:

Tested it and it still doesn't work (BlackHandBot not showing bank withdrawals/deposits)

Images of the bug:

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Add Sniper to Drunk Gunz?
« on: March 11, 2013, 02:54:36 pm »
I agree cause snipers are good guns.. even though they don't work over seas. But yeah it would be nice to buy them from the gun shop otherwise the only way you can get em is by being a Terrorist or being a Army dude.

Fixed / [MISTAKE] BlackHandBot not showing bank interactions
« on: March 11, 2013, 02:41:10 pm »
Description of the bug:

The bot still isn't showing the BH Bank account withdrawals/deposits

Images of the bug:

Friday Festival / Week 8 - 08/03/13 - Schedule
« on: March 07, 2013, 09:29:29 pm »
Friday Night Festivities
Week 8

This week we got a ton of events for you all, mostly dm's, ENJOY!

FFA Hydra DM (4 Rounds)
Simply put, Try not to be killed.
If you die you will need to wait for the next round to rejoin

FFA Hunter DM (4 Rounds)
Same as Hydra DM says

FFA Rustler DM (4 Rounds)
Same as Hydra, Hunter says

Sea Sparrow DM (4 Rounds)
Same as Hydra,Hunter,Rustler says

TEAM DM. (5 Rounds)
Each round has new captains to lead their team to victory
Goal is stay alive, if you die, you will be out until the next round

Relay Race from LVPD
Start with a LV Cop car from LVPD. Race to LSPD pick up an LS Cop Car, Race from there to SFPD and pick up an SF cop car. From there Race back to LVAP
and the race ends there

Rooftop Battle (10 Rounds)
Cars will be various. And will be decided on during each round

Beagle DM (Grand Finale) (3 Rounds)
2 people per Beagle, 1 flies the plane and 1 shoots the others down, the team who is last standing wins.

Events Total: 33 Rounds

Prize is 2 Mil in bank

Fixed / [MISTAKE] Guantanamo Bay Missing Vehicles
« on: March 03, 2013, 06:15:29 pm »
Description of the bug:

Every time someone goes to Guantanamo Bay they don't see any vehicles around. This is annoying because you have to walk back to LV lol. I believe it's part of the map and someone took out the vehicles.

Images of the bug:

ECNR SA-MP Server Requests / Re: HELP!
« on: March 01, 2013, 04:56:51 pm »
Needs streaming memory fix.

I can safely say that this fix has worked, thank you Ewan

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