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Messages - john_peters

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Discuss Anything / Re: This is it 2012!
« on: November 19, 2012, 12:46:14 am »
Dude Patrick, no one knows when the world will end. For all we know the world could be here for 9000 more years.

Anime and other Entertainment / Dragonball-Dragonball GT
« on: November 19, 2012, 12:42:26 am »
Well for the past few years i've been addicted to the anime Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT and I wanted to know if anyone else in EGC watches it

Staff News / Re: Saw
« on: November 05, 2012, 01:40:47 am »
Good job Jarrod :'( Im so proud of you *Cries tears of joy* xD

Fixed / [BUG] When I got sent to Guantanamo bay I fell through the map
« on: November 01, 2012, 02:42:04 am »
Description of the bug:

When I got arrested I fell through Guantanamo Bay

Images of the bug:

Rule Violations / [DONE] Noordan
« on: October 28, 2012, 03:49:06 pm »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
I was an army personell trying to kill him becuz he was red then he left

Picture Evidence

ECNR Human Resources / Re: SA Army Applications
« on: October 24, 2012, 10:52:21 pm »
In-Game Name: FluffyBanana
IRC Name: FluffyBanana
Date Received Regular Status: October 9th, 2012


Rule Violations / [DONE] ?HAHALUATA967
« on: October 24, 2012, 04:32:13 am »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
Money hacks

Picture Evidence
4(CASH INCREASE)** HAHALUATA967(2) money has increased from $127500 to $267500 ( 140000 ) Location: Prickle Pine
<%ECNR2> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** HAHALUATA967(2) money has increased from $267500 to $387500 ( 120000 ) Location: Prickle Pine
<%ECNR1> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** HAHALUATA967(2) money has increased from $387500 to $507500 ( 120000 ) Location: Prickle Pine
<%ECNR2> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** HAHALUATA967(2) money has increased from $507500 to $627500 ( 120000 ) Location: Prickle Pine
<%ECNR1> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** HAHALUATA967(2) money has increased from $627500 to $667500 ( 40000 ) Location: Prickle Pine

Rule Violations / [DONE] DarkAssasinator23
« on: October 24, 2012, 03:59:23 am »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
He money hacked

Picture Evidence
<%ECNR2> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $168510 to $188510 ( 20000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR1> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $188510 to $288510 ( 100000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR2> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $288510 to $428510 ( 140000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR1> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $428510 to $548510 ( 120000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR2> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $548510 to $668510 ( 120000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR1> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $668510 to $768510 ( 100000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR2> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $768510 to $868510 ( 100000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR1> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $868510 to $988510 ( 120000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR2> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $988510 to $1008510 ( 20000 ) Location: Irish Airport

Rule Violations / [RULEBREAKER] James_Tanner
« on: October 14, 2012, 02:35:24 pm »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
He shot at me for no reason

Picture Evidence

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Robbing Time - Score
« on: October 12, 2012, 01:09:43 am »
Then it would be too easy to get reg, I think they want Reg to be a challenge

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Car Disable-er
« on: October 12, 2012, 01:07:52 am »
Dude this sound stupid I bet if newbs found out about it they would spam every car they see

ECNR Suggestions / Re: You musst click to read this great suggestioon!
« on: October 12, 2012, 01:06:01 am »
OldMan dont be mean :(

ECNR Suggestions / You musst click to read this great suggestioon!
« on: October 11, 2012, 11:09:51 pm »
I think all regs need help now and then with their commands, So you know what we should get? We should get a /regcommands List!!!!!!!!

ECNR Human Resources / Re: Regular Player Applications
« on: October 10, 2012, 09:28:31 pm »
Server Name: FluffyBanana
Date Joined ECNR: Like 1-2 months ago
IRC Name: FluffyBanana
How active are you on IRC?: Every day around 2-3 hours
How active are you in the server?: I play on it when I don't have homework witch is a lot :)
Why do you want to be a Regular Player?: I have been playing ECNR for around 2 months I am a really good helper I meet all the requirements and also I love to play the game and I like to work on it right Now my score is 301 I had just earned it :)


Videos / Re: How to shoot lags on SAMP ECNR TIP
« on: October 10, 2012, 09:04:41 pm »
Lag shooting really saved my life on SA-MP it is a very good solution to not being able to kill people

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