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Messages - WatakiWatako

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10
EGCM Guides / Server Information & Playing!
« on: November 01, 2012, 06:54:02 pm »
Server Information
Mods - None
Bukkit Version - 1.6.4-R0.1
Publicly Usable Plugins - Lockette, IRC (#EGCM), Dynamic Map, AutoRegionGuard
Server Location - Munich
Server Address - mc.enigmaticgc.com
Server Mode - Survival
PVP - On

Joining The Server
To connect to EGCM, you need the latest version of Minecraft.

You MUST have Java installed to use Minecraft.
If you don't have Java installed, get it here!

For players who have purchased Minecraft
1 - Download the launcher from http://minecraft.net/
2 - Log in and add mc.enigmaticgc.com to your server list
3 - Join the server.

For players who have not purchased Minecraft
1 - Download this.
2 - Launch the client (Which you downloaded in step 1)
3 - Enter a username and press play.
4 - The game will be downloaded for you at this point, give it a few minutes.
5 - Add mc.enigmaticgc.com to your server list.
6 - Join the server.

Useful information
Minecraft Wiki
Dynamic Map - http://mc.enigmaticgc.com:8123/
ARG Command List - /arg help (In game)

Server Rules / The Rules
« on: November 01, 2012, 06:35:44 pm »
?As on all EGC servers, conduct your self in a mature manor at all times.
 -This includes spamming, flaming, using inappropriate language and so on.
 -Please do not speak languages other than English in the public chats.
?Cheating is NOT allowed and will result in a permanent ban if you are caught using a modified client or otherwise.

?Do not break containers that are protected by the lockette plugin.

?You may build anywhere in the world as long as you are not disrupting anyone else's projects.
?Please chop trees down in their entirety. Floating trees make the world look bad!

These rules are a rough guide, consider your actions carefully before committing them.
All decisions are at the discretion of EGCM staff.

Fixed / Re: [BUG] Map Problem, Idk what to call this,.
« on: October 25, 2012, 11:21:22 pm »
This issue turned out to be a player using some mods. He has since been instructed to remove them.
They were considered advantageous anyhow. Thanks for your bug report!

Announcements / Re: Official ECNR Event. Several prizes.
« on: October 18, 2012, 01:26:22 am »
Would 9PM byrner time mean 2PM my time? PS. my time is GMT -5

Byrner's either GMT or GMT + 1. So, 4PM or 5PM.
Blame daylight savings for the uncertainty!

Anyhow. Here's my event.

You know me, it has to be a race. You'll have your own choice of vehicle from any of the following.
Infernus, Turismo, Elegy, Sultan or Comet.

Here's the race course. The route is the red line, blue arrows indicated the direction and the green dot is the start and finish line. (Grove Street)

I'll be placing roadblocks along the route before the event. Meanwhile, you've seen the route, might as well get some practice!

Best of luck to all competitors!

Rule Violations / Re: [RULEBREAKER] soufaine
« on: October 17, 2012, 06:11:00 pm »

Rule Violations / Re: [RULEBREAKER] Kicadsfs
« on: October 17, 2012, 06:10:50 pm »

Announcements / Service Status
« on: October 13, 2012, 06:35:38 pm »
This thread indicates the status of all EGC services except the forums.
Information will be posted here when required.

ECNR SA-MP Server: Currently Online
EGC IRC Network: Currently Online
EGCM Minecraft Server: Currently Online

We do not anticipate any service interruptions.

Pictures / The Longest ECNR Wheelie?
« on: September 24, 2012, 03:39:29 pm »

Lets see if anyone can top that!

Videos / 22/9/2012 - LVAP Race Event
« on: September 23, 2012, 12:23:16 am »
Rage_Quit won the event, Paranoid was in 2nd place. I was unable to keep track of third place, perhaps someone can analyse the video and produce a result!

Anyhow, here's a rather boring, harshly edited video showing an aerial view of LVAP during the ten lap race event.


Announcements / The Plan
« on: September 07, 2012, 06:38:57 pm »
Here's the first server announcement. Probably should've made it a while back but hay-ho.

There has been some confusion... Apparently lol
FGRPG is a light role play CNR server. It is currently under development, there is no publicly available server as of yet.
That said, I made fantastic progress during the summer holidays and I'm glad to say, it's almost ready for release. The only challenge now is finding time to finish it off. With school having resumed and all that, I'm rather busy.

So aye... I still can't specify a release date. Dunno when I'll be able to find the time to take care of things or how long it'll take to do. What's been done so far has quite frankly, got me rather excited. lol
Meanwhile, you've got ECNR to keep you busy.

All the best,

Fixed / Player Data Loss
« on: August 16, 2012, 06:29:54 pm »
Symptoms: Upon logging in, the effected player 'might' be asked to re-register their account. Whether they do so or not, it appears that their data is missing from the database.

This is a known issue, I spent months looking for an easy fix. Beyond scrapping the current MySQL stuff and paying close attention to variable resets, I have no suggestions. This has effected quite a few players in the last few days.

Good luck Stevo!

ECNR Human Resources / Re: Regular Player Applications
« on: August 12, 2012, 10:52:18 pm »
<Ratzu> Server Name: Ratzu
<Ratzu> Date Joined ECNR: July 31st
<Ratzu> IRC Name: Ratzu
<Ratzu> How active are you on IRC?: About 4 hours a day
<Ratzu> How active are you in the server?: About 4 hours a day
<Ratzu> Why do you want to be a Regular Player?: New players would ask me for help more often, and the /afk command is great for fending off DMers and hackers. I could also help firefighters who like having roadblocks around them when they're putting out fires.


Pictures / Just a teaser
« on: August 12, 2012, 01:43:04 pm »

ECNR Human Resources / Re: Regular Player Applications
« on: August 12, 2012, 12:52:29 pm »
<Spiderpig> Server Name: [e5N]Spiderpig
<Spiderpig> Date Joined ECNR: Day 3 of August
<Spiderpig> IRC Name: Spiderpig
<Spiderpig> How active are you on IRC?: Daily
<Spiderpig> How active are you in the server?: Enough?
<Spiderpig> Why do you want to be a Regular Player?: I want to be Reg. To show the new players, that they can ask me things about the server. I'm availible for help and stuff. Also i like the new options offcourse :D.

Post from Spiderpig who is unable to access this board of the forum.


Rule Violations / Re: [HACKER] Marwan
« on: August 10, 2012, 07:29:40 pm »
marwan has been banned on account of compelling evidence.
Suitable action will be taken against Ra[Z]or as a result of not reporting a cheater.

Topic locked.

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