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Messages - eXon

Pages: [1]
General Server Discussion / Re: Money and score lost
« on: May 05, 2013, 02:06:26 am »
Same happen to me >:( >:(

Forum PM me with what you lost, I'll fix it for you.

I don't use MSN, so I don't really need this.
Thanks for posting this though, I'm sure others will find great use for it!

ECNR Human Resources / Re: SA Army Applications
« on: April 28, 2013, 08:27:37 pm »
In-Game Name: eXon
IRC Name: eXon
Date Received Regular Status: April 10, 2013, 02:27:14 AM


TV & Film / Re: Favorite Genres
« on: April 02, 2013, 06:33:46 am »
I love horror movies.
Chain Saw Massacre
 EVERYTHING.  They are 10x more interesting than any other type of movies.
Now if you want to get started about books, then I love reading SiFy.

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Kevin's Server Suggesting!
« on: April 02, 2013, 06:12:24 am »
You have my vote. People will say no to this because they don't realise how this will impact the server. It's not giving anyone an advantage. This isn't a roleplay server. You don't have to run at a job all of the time. This running animation should be implemented into the server.

Great Suggestion.

Closed Organizations / Re: The Almighty Blackhand
« on: April 02, 2013, 01:21:00 am »
In-game Name: .hitman.
Score:  166
Who Recruited You?: Noone

How long have you been part of ECnR?: I played alot in old server in this 4 days
Do you understand all of the server rules?:  OFC

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving: 2
   - Shooting: 1
   - Blowing Shit up:  3
   - Escaping The Cops: 1
   - Loyalty: 2
   - Respect: 3
   - Activity: 4

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?: Yes
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?:  Yes
You agree that The Byrner is the best Owner of all time: Yes ^^

You're application is ACCEPTED. Your testing will be tomorrow when I see you online.

ECNR Human Resources / Re: Regular Player Applications
« on: April 01, 2013, 05:43:27 am »
Server Name: eXon
Date Joined ECNR: March 15, 2013, even though I joined the forums a lot later.
IRC Name: eXon
How active are you on IRC?: On 24/7, and I'm always using it when I'm on my computer.
How active are you in the server?: I am on about 9-12 Hours a day, sometimes more.
Why do you want to be a Regular Player?: Well, I help new players out a lot and I believe this server, with the right people, can be up on the top. I hope to help this server so much that it shoots to the top of the list.


ECNR Suggestions / eXon's Suggestion
« on: March 31, 2013, 09:43:41 am »
Suggestion name: Theif's Weapons.

Description: I want to suggest adding better weapons for the Theif class. This class is one of the most used, and you must do a lot of fighting while using it. The weapons given absolutely SUCK. 80 tech9 bullets? I reccomend a Spaz, tech9, and an m4.

Reason for suggestion: To improve the gameplay within the server.

How it benefits the server: Better gameplay.


General Server Discussion / Re: Scorewhoring?
« on: March 27, 2013, 03:30:14 am »
Congratz on the score. I'm sure your dedication will pay of even more than it has already in the future. Keep up the activity and you'll go far within the community.

Announcements / Re: The Revival of FnF
« on: March 27, 2013, 03:26:39 am »
Since I'm new to this community, I only participated in on FnF. These weekly events sound like a lot of fun, and hopefully I'll be able to attend all of them in the future. I hope everyone can attend them.

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Add More Vechile
« on: March 24, 2013, 05:12:29 am »
I don't think anymore vehicles need to be added within LV, but some vehicles near the exportation docks in SF would be nice. Maybe a few cars, and two helicopters? Other then that no vehicles need to be added. :D Great Suggestion though.

- eXon.

ECNR Suggestions / Re: /jr
« on: March 24, 2013, 05:10:34 am »
I completely agree. There gould be a grouping system in, where at every robbery all of the members get a certain percentage of the cash. Make it so where you have one person robbing, while the rest of the group can stay outside and watch for LEO. I don't think they should get score for it though, because it could be abused.

- eXon.

Introductions / Re: eXon's Reign
« on: March 24, 2013, 05:04:29 am »
 I don't skateboard, but I do hunt. :D

Introductions / eXon's Reign
« on: March 23, 2013, 06:35:58 pm »
Hello everyone. My name is eXon, and you will learn to FEAR me. I'm generally nice to get along with, even if you're on my bad side. I live in South Carolina, `MURICA. I aspire to be a First Responder with my local Fire Department. I have absolutely NO LIFE, so therefore I will become the 3rd or 4th Elite member. :D I played on CRRPG since 2009, up until everything went haywire. I will cause no trouble.


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