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Pages: 1 ... 23 24 [25] 26 27
ECNR Suggestions / New Players,Ireland and spawnpoints
« on: October 02, 2012, 12:59:41 pm »
1.Remove/fix the spawn in Ireland which makes you fall through Ireland and you need to swim.Its so annoying and it makes new players leave

2.Maybe add that new players don't spawn in ireland or make the tool free for them because they can't get out they dont have money and they cant find LV.Alot of new players spawn in there.

3.Add like 2/3 vehicles at some spawnpoints like infront of Ireland tool you dont have any vehicles you need to run to Londis to get one others are house vehicles.And when it spawns you at Irish city hall same.Just house vehicles you need to run again to the pizza to get vehicle.

That's it.

Staff News / Re: Hiredgun's Promotion
« on: October 02, 2012, 12:43:02 pm »
Congrats Hiredgun i knew that you will become admin :)

Introductions / Re: Glad to be back
« on: September 29, 2012, 10:14:04 pm »
Welcome back :)

Fixed / [MISTAKE] Terrorism doesent echo to IRC
« on: September 29, 2012, 02:29:50 pm »
Description of the bug:

Doesen't echo for Fish shop,Sherman dam,Hoodlines bar and Green Haven power supply when you blow it...Everything other does.I just didn't try to blow Moonshine thing

Images of the bug:

Don't have pictures but if you want i can send you what echoes to IRC.

ECNR Human Resources / Re: SA Army Applications
« on: September 24, 2012, 08:56:05 am »
In-Game Name:Rage_Quit
IRC Name:Quit
Date Received Regular Status:11.9


Organization Information / Re: The Rebellion
« on: September 17, 2012, 12:21:48 pm »
Strong points (what are you good at):Driving,flying,escaping
Weak points (what aren't you so good at):shooting
Are you willing to follow orders:Yes
Will you show respect and follow the SERVER rules at all times:Yes

General Server Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Topic
« on: September 15, 2012, 12:46:53 pm »
Happy Birthday GoR

TV & Film / Re: Favorite T.V shows
« on: September 14, 2012, 09:53:56 pm »
mine is Malcolm in the middle,Two and a half men and The big bang theory

ECNR Human Resources / Re: Regular Player Applications
« on: September 11, 2012, 09:35:25 am »
Server Name:Rage_Quit
Date Joined ECNR:August 24, 2012, 08:07:16 PM
IRC Name:Quit
How active are you on IRC?:More than in game
How active are you in the server?:Idk around 1-3 hours a day
Why do you want to be a Regular Player?:I want help players more and have acess to place roadblocks and go to RPL...


General Server Discussion / Re: Community photos
« on: September 10, 2012, 07:40:49 pm »
This is me :)
Btw its the same place where pro noob was on his picture up there ^
idk why is picture so small
full picture: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/801/aaaa1s.jpg/

IRC Related / Re: #ECNR Restricted
« on: September 10, 2012, 10:04:34 am »
Oh god i thought i was banned or something..I dont have acess to the #ecnr and #fgrpg

ECNR Human Resources / Re: ECNR Administrator Applications
« on: September 08, 2012, 11:15:09 am »
Name In Game:Rage_Quit
Occupation/Student (If Neither, say so.):Student
What languages do you speak? (If not fluent in one, say so.):Croatian,English
Do you know any coding languages?:something little in c++ and pawn
How long have you been a part of SA-MP?:around 4 - 5 years
How long have you been a member of the EGC Community?:3 weeks
Are you a member of any other EGC Games etc, apart from ECNR? (If none available leave blank):
What can you bring to the ECNR Administration Team?:loyalty,
What sets you apart from other players?:idk
Are you willing to put pride & ego aside to benefit ECNR At every turn?:Yes
What is your reasons for wanting to be an ECNR Administrator?:I want to help everyone and deal with rule breakers/hackers and create events :D

How Active Are You? Give your approx hours per day, for example:I can be active at weekends and at week when i come from school
Monday: 2PM-10PM GMT. Ensure all times are in GMT Format.

Monday:4 pm - 7 pm and 10 pm - 12 pm
Tuesday:same as monday
Wednesday:same as monday
Thursday:same as monday
Friday:4 pm - 7 pm and 10 pm - 2 am
Saturday:12 pm - 3 pm and 9 pm - 2 am
Sunday:12 mm - 3 pm and 9 pm - 0:00 or 2  am

Rule Violations / [DONE] Voldemar(Dgz)
« on: September 07, 2012, 06:40:08 pm »
4(919:940:9324) <07%ECNR2> [ADMINISTRATION] Voldemar(Dgz)(2) has been banned as our Anti-Cheat has detected a hack.

Announcements / Re: Back on the hosted List
« on: September 05, 2012, 08:06:51 pm »
Good to have it solved it will be very nice now :)))

Introductions / Re: Hello
« on: September 05, 2012, 12:57:02 pm »
Hi and welcome Hiredgun!
Good to see you here.

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