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Here's my video from the race :)
Umm sorry for the video i did something wrong and its not in full screen :O
Watch it in HD :D

ECNR Suggestions / !votekick for regular players
« on: January 19, 2013, 01:25:15 pm »
I think there should be !votekick command for regular players so when there are no admins online or they are afk regular players can kick a hacker if everyone agrees on a vote for kicking.It would be nice because if there is a hacker in game nobody doesent like to play and admins are afk and everyone will leave then :S

ECNR Suggestions / Auto-ban(Anti-cheat)
« on: January 05, 2013, 11:45:47 pm »
As all of you have already seen...Players get auto banned on events like minigun dm etc.I suggest that auto ban doesent ban people who are on event.That will be better because then events will not be stopped because player got auto-banned and admin wont need to unban them all the time.

Fixed / [GRAMMER] It says Clud instead of Club
« on: January 04, 2013, 05:26:56 pm »
Description of the bug:

4(7[12040:12010:1220137]9 180:9240:9274) <07%ECNR1> 04Vanilla is too hot today, Clud Diva is on fire.

Images of the bug:

Discuss Anything / Post a picture of your desktop :D
« on: November 27, 2012, 08:29:06 pm »
Well heres mine :D

Fixed / [BUG] Something weird hapening to the server
« on: October 26, 2012, 10:19:14 am »
Description of the bug:


Images of the bug:

4(910:936:9254) <09+Quit> what hapened to the server?
4(910:948:9234) * Sylar (Sylar@Owns.Uk) has joined #ECNR
4(910:948:9244) * IServeYou sets mode: +ao Sylar Sylar
4(910:950:9224) * &Hiredgun (Hiredgun@EGC-7BF8FFEA.cable.virginmedia.com) Quit (Quit: VIVE L'EMPEREUR!!)
4(910:956:9484) <09+Paranoid> no clue sylar
4(910:956:9554) <09+Paranoid> could be minute
4(910:956:9594) <09+Paranoid> could be yars
4(911:900:9494) * ECNR2 (bot@EGC-169C5C0B.volt-host.com) has joined #ECNR
4(911:900:9494) * IServeYou sets mode: +h ECNR2
4(911:900:9494) * ECNR1 (bot@EGC-169C5C0B.volt-host.com) has joined #ECNR
4(911:900:9494) * IServeYou sets mode: +h ECNR1
4(911:901:9294) <07%ECNR1> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:902:9334) <07%ECNR2> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:903:9364) <07%ECNR1> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:904:9404) <07%ECNR2> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:905:9434) <07%ECNR1> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:906:9274) <07%ECNR1> Today's jackpot is: ~$7383849.
4(911:906:9284) <07%ECNR2> There is only 6 hours left until the lotto draw. Get your ticket at a 24/7 shop!
4(911:906:9464) <07%ECNR2> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:907:9504) <07%ECNR1> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:907:9594) <07%ECNR2> L.V Civil Services have recieved their pay day.
4(911:908:9534) <07%ECNR1> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:909:9564) <07%ECNR2> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:907:9594) <07%ECNR2> L.V Civil Services have recieved their pay day.
4(911:908:9534) <07%ECNR1> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:909:9564) <07%ECNR2> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:911:9004) <07%ECNR1> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:911:9424) <07%ECNR1> Buy a ticket for tomorrow's lotto drawing in your local 24/7 with /lotto [number] command!
4(911:911:9424) <07%ECNR2> We have no winner for today, so the jackpot remains $7440770! Today's winning number was: 1.
4(911:912:9034) <07%ECNR2> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:913:9064) <07%ECNR1> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:914:9094) <07%ECNR2> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:914:9414) <07%ECNR1> [CONNECT] Dario_Capkanov (0) Has Joined Enigma's Cops'n'Robbers v1.2
4(911:915:9134) <07%ECNR2> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:915:9184) <07%ECNR1> [CONNECT] Robertaman (0) Has Joined Enigma's Cops'n'Robbers v1.2
4(911:916:9004) <07%ECNR2> Robertaman(0) has said hello!
4(911:916:9164) <07%ECNR1> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:917:9204) <07%ECNR2> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
4(911:918:9154) * &Sylar (Sylar@Owns.Uk) Quit (Ping timeout)
4(911:918:9174) * SylarGray (Sylar@3C7DF6DD.E44373AE.14CFD1BF.IP) has joined #ECNR
4(911:918:9184) * IServeYou sets mode: +ao SylarGray SylarGray
4(911:918:9234) <07%ECNR1> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.

Fixed / [BUG] Hello spam
« on: October 22, 2012, 08:56:48 am »
Description of the bug:

That hello spam bug when player connects is still not fixed

Images of the bug:

4(909:951:9224) <07%ECNR1> webi3(5) has said hello!
4(909:951:9304) <07%ECNR2> webi3(5) has said hello!
4(909:951:9354) <07%ECNR1> webi3(5) has said hello!

Fixed / [BUG] Cars reserved for admins
« on: October 18, 2012, 09:49:47 pm »
Description of the bug:

Cars at Green Haven are reserved for admins and they should be for regular players :P

Images of the bug:


Pictures / Me being very very bored
« on: October 12, 2012, 08:50:06 pm »
I was so bored and i didnt know what to do xD

Ban Management / Quit - 12/10/2012(IRC again)
« on: October 12, 2012, 09:38:07 am »
Player Name:

Date of Ban:

Time of Ban (GMT):

Description of Ban:
4(910:936:9014) * Connecting to irc.enigmaticgc.com (6667)
4(910:936:9074) -irc.EnigmaticGC.com- *** Looking up your hostname...
4(910:936:9074) -irc.EnigmaticGC.com- *** Found your hostname (cached)
You have not registered
4(910:936:9084) -irc.EnigmaticGC.com- *** You are permanently banned from Enigmatic IRC (Open Proxy found on your host. Contact an IRC operator if you believe that this is a mistake.)
4(910:936:9084) Closing Link: Quit[78-2-88-248.adsl.net.t-com.hr] (User has been permanently banned from Enigmatic IRC (Open Proxy found on your host. Contact an IRC operator if you believe that this is a mistake.))
4(910:936:9084) * Disconnected

Why you should be unbanned?:
Again same problem lol

Ban Management / Quit - 09/10/2012(IRC)
« on: October 09, 2012, 10:47:45 am »
Player Name:

Date of Ban:

Time of Ban (GMT):

Description of Ban:
4(911:945:9544) -irc.EnigmaticGC.com- *** Looking up your hostname...
4(911:945:9544) -irc.EnigmaticGC.com- *** Found your hostname (cached)
4(911:945:9554) -irc.EnigmaticGC.com- *** You are permanently banned from Enigmatic IRC (Open Proxy found on your host. Contact an IRC operator if you believe that this is a mistake.)
4(911:945:9554) Closing Link: Quit[78-2-64-103.adsl.net.t-com.hr] (User has been permanently banned from Enigmatic IRC (Open Proxy found on your host. Contact an IRC operator if you believe that this is a mistake.))

Why you should be unbanned?:
Because i didnt do anything lol

ECNR Suggestions / New Players,Ireland and spawnpoints
« on: October 02, 2012, 12:59:41 pm »
1.Remove/fix the spawn in Ireland which makes you fall through Ireland and you need to swim.Its so annoying and it makes new players leave

2.Maybe add that new players don't spawn in ireland or make the tool free for them because they can't get out they dont have money and they cant find LV.Alot of new players spawn in there.

3.Add like 2/3 vehicles at some spawnpoints like infront of Ireland tool you dont have any vehicles you need to run to Londis to get one others are house vehicles.And when it spawns you at Irish city hall same.Just house vehicles you need to run again to the pizza to get vehicle.

That's it.

Fixed / [MISTAKE] Terrorism doesent echo to IRC
« on: September 29, 2012, 02:29:50 pm »
Description of the bug:

Doesen't echo for Fish shop,Sherman dam,Hoodlines bar and Green Haven power supply when you blow it...Everything other does.I just didn't try to blow Moonshine thing

Images of the bug:

Don't have pictures but if you want i can send you what echoes to IRC.

Rule Violations / [DONE] Voldemar(Dgz)
« on: September 07, 2012, 06:40:08 pm »
4(919:940:9324) <07%ECNR2> [ADMINISTRATION] Voldemar(Dgz)(2) has been banned as our Anti-Cheat has detected a hack.

TV & Film / Best movie you ever watched
« on: August 25, 2012, 03:54:17 pm »
Step Up 1,2,3,4 and Down Periscope

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