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Topics - Saw

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Friday Festival / Week 3 - 25/01/13 - Results
« on: January 26, 2013, 06:32:33 pm »
Dazzler has won the Drug Importation Business. He had won 4 events out of 5. Some of the events did not count due to unfair play. some skins had more of an advantage then others. so congrats to Dazzler. Hope you enjoy your business. :)

Friday Festival / Week 3 - 25/01/13 - Schedule
« on: January 22, 2013, 02:57:00 pm »
Welcome to Week three of Friday Night Festivities! This Friday is going to be a good Friday. There will be a big prize at the end! and tons of events. We hope that all of you can make it :D. We will start the events at our normal time, Friday at 8:30 PM (GMT). As always, if you have any questions about the time, please come to Aaron_Ewing or me (Saw). We will help you figure out what the time is for you.


1. Multi-lap Race

2. Swim Race

3. Boat Race

4. Race On Foot

5. Team Deathmatch

6. Bus Journey

We hope that all of you will enjoy these events and hope to see you there! Now the prize that we will be giving out is to the player with the most wins! So try to win as many events as you can. The prize that we are giving out to the player with the most wins is Drug Importation Business! We hope to see you there! :)


PS: Any questions please come ask either Aaron_Ewing or I (Saw)

Friday Festival / Friday Night Festivities Wins
« on: January 19, 2013, 05:18:22 pm »
 WatakiWatako: 10 win(s)
 Hiredgun: 9 win(s)
 The_Byrner 6 win(s)
 Dario_Capkanov: 5 win(s)
 Rage_Quit: 5 win(s)
 Underated: 4 win(s)
 joao_fcmb: 4 Win(s)
 Slender_Man: 4 Win(s)
 Dazzler: 3 win(s)
 Aaron_Ewing: 3 win(s)
 TeDaN18: 2 win(s)
 TheDoctor: 2 Win(s)
 Deadpros: 2 Win(s)
 Noes: 1 win(s)
 Zarth: 1 win(s)
 Tank: 1 win(s)
 Matt: 1 win(s)
 eXon: 1 Win(s)
 .Hitman.: 1 Win(s)
 CR33P1ND34TH: 1 Win(s)
 W4nteD: 1 Win(s)
 Saw: 1 Win(s)

Friday Festival / Week 2 - 18/01/13 - Results
« on: January 19, 2013, 04:48:04 pm »
The winners for the events we did on Friday, January 18, 2013 are:

1. Race from top of Mt. Chillad down to the end of the strip: Hiredgun

2. Bumper cars on roof top part 1: Noes

3. Bumper cars on roof top part 2: Robertaman

4. Scavenger Hunt: WatakiWatako and Hiredgun (team find)

5. Hide and seek: Rage_Quit

There will be more event coming to you every Friday night! We hope you enjoyed these events and we will see you next Friday night! :)

Discuss Anything / New Facebook
« on: January 19, 2013, 07:22:56 am »
For those who were friends with me on Facebook, I have a new Facebook account! My Old Facebook account was "JTS CRRPG SA-MP". My New account is called "Saw JTS", Please send friend request again for I will not be using JTS CRRPG SA-MP anymore. Thank you :)


Friday Festival / Week 2 - 18/01/13 - Schedule
« on: January 15, 2013, 12:36:02 pm »
We are moving on to week to of Friday Night Festivities! For this week we will be doing 5 events :).

1. Rhino Under Water fight
2. Race from the end of the strip in LV to the end of SF freeway and back to the end of the strip in LV.
3. Boat Race
4. Scavenger Hunt
5. Under Water Hydra fight

We will start these event on Friday January 18, 2013 at 8:30 PM (GMT). If you have any questions about what the right time is for you, come ask either Aaron_Ewing or me (Saw). There will be more events every Friday night and possibly through out the week, you just never know! :P

Friday Festival / Week 1 - 11/01/13 - Results
« on: January 11, 2013, 09:50:39 pm »
Zarth (Revo), had found the "traffic cone"! He is our winner of this week and he was rewarded a backpack.

There will be more events every Friday night the time will probably remain the same, which is: 8:30 PM (GMT). So remember to come! :P We hope you enjoyed this event, the next one will be better!

Friday Festival / Week 1 - 11/01/13 - Schedule
« on: January 09, 2013, 07:49:31 pm »
Hello, this will be our fist event of Friday Night Festivities! For the first event we will do a scavenger hunt. You will be trying to look for a "cone" hidden through out either LV (Las Venturas), SF (San Fierro), LS (Los Santos), Ireland, or Eggland. The prize will be a Backpack. We will have this event at 8:30 PM (GMT). We will be looking forward to seeing you there! There will be many more events every week, sometimes even more then once a week, you just never know.

Rules: You can not spawn as a Cop, Army, or Firefighter. This will prevent the cone from missing if a player uses /crb or /rrball!

Friday Festival / What time is best for you?
« on: January 08, 2013, 09:49:46 pm »
We would like to know what is the best time for you! We will be hosting an event ever Friday night (GMT). So please decide on a time so we know whats the best time for you to be able to join. We may change the times, but only if needed.

ECNR Suggestions / Re-routing Jim! (the bus driver)
« on: January 02, 2013, 05:56:43 am »
What if Jim drove more carefully? What if Jim were to go to more destinations? Want to see were he is going while riding with him? Well here is a chance if you guys like this idea!

Jim will say messages that will say what his next destination will be from place to place.
EXAMPLE: "Now leaving LV Airport; Next stop is Four Dragons!"

Jim will dive a little bit more careful, he wont be hitting light poles and wont be hitting parked cars! (like the ones parked in front of Four Dragons) {He can still ram you if you get in front of him, lol, cant fix that! :P}

Since there are more places in LV he will be heading to more destinations around the town. He will now be heading to the gate of Ireland instead of the beginning of the bridge, he will make a stop near the Warehouse, and so on.

I want to know your ideas of what you would like Jim to do and what you like and don't like about my idea's. I also have to give credit to Aaron for some of the ideas, so, Thank you Aaron! <3 

Discuss Anything / Guess who's back! :D
« on: December 27, 2012, 07:05:47 pm »
  After a very long year without a computer, My sister got a computer, but that allows me to be able to play ECNR! I will work on getting Minecraft, but I will mostly play ECNR for now! So I hope to all see you in game! And always remember to play fairly, I will be watching. :P

General Server Discussion / We are growing :D
« on: July 23, 2012, 06:32:58 pm »
It was so wonderful to see that we had nearly 10 people in game! They wete mostly new people, which is awesome, and they were all staying! Lets keep this up!

Fixed / [MISTAKE] Forgot about in game messages being cut
« on: July 22, 2012, 04:41:18 pm »
Description of the bug:

When i send a long message in game it is still neing cut short instead of moving to a new line :/ please fix in a new version :)

Images of the bug:

Pictures / Post a picture of yourself here!
« on: July 20, 2012, 06:01:56 pm »

Introductions / JTS here
« on: July 16, 2012, 05:28:18 pm »
I came here to hopefully not have any trouble. Im hoping we can all get along have no troubles and to be ablr to play a game and have fun.

My name, well is, JTS. I live in California. I make friends very easy. I always treat friends like their family (like making you part of the family.) I hope to make many new friends and to have alot of fun! <3

Now i cant play in game, due to my house being robbed. They stole my computer, them bastards lol, anyway so you will see me on irc intill i can afford a computer. (hopefully soon)

I know some of you i already know and they know me ( you know who you are lol ) but i would love to meet you othe people and possibly become friends! <3

Love you all,

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