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Topics - Underated

Pages: [1]
Wrestling / CM Punk vs The Undertaker(Storyline)
« on: March 26, 2013, 06:56:26 pm »
I just wanted to see whether you guys agree or disagree on the way the WWE have used the death of the legendary manager William Moody(AKA Paul Bearer) to intensify the storyline between Punk and Taker.

I, myself don't really disagree with this, I believe it's a smart move for the WWE and I think I could say safely that Moody would have wanted the WWE to use him to add to a storyline and especially with the two competitors who are are involved in it, given Paul Bearer made Undertaker into one of the greatest in the history of the  WWE/WWF/WWWF lol.

I understand that Punk has ridiculed him on several occasions and I understand how some may class this as offensive to Moody and disrespectful to his legacy, but again I strongly believe that Bearer is happy that he's living on in our memory's, no matter how WWE are doing it.

Music & Videos / Byrner and I's song.
« on: March 25, 2013, 09:40:24 pm »
This song is about what we all suffer through witnessing daily.
The common ignorance and idiocy of people.
This song is about racism.
I dunno about you guys but this is very common in my region.
This is unbelievably frustrating to witness.
Children following what they hear their friends and even PARENTS encourage!

This is more of a rap then a song.
But it's not about how much money, how many hoes we have or how me and Byrner are  ''Real Niggaz''. Lol.
It comes straight from our hearts.
Just read, and try to take in what we're saying:

Racism, just another word for divide and rule,
Used alongside scare tactics as a global tool,
This World and it's Universal idiocy,
That's egged on by the masses immediately
Helped by the mainstream media,
Who have a habit of deceiving and misleading ya,
Promoted by a lot of ignorant and brainwashed parents
Not realizing their just supporting superficial arrogance,
The aforementioned media would rather focus on one black killing,
Than the current genocide of the Palestinian children

Too many are too quick to jump on board
The perpetrators of wars being honored and adored.

People killed off in millions,
Bombs exploding killing innocent clivilians.

But yet we have no sympathy for these people
Because broadcasts like Sky News have thought us that their not equal

Maybe we need some help from above,
because when push comes to shove,
Who gives you and I the right to judge
An entire races civillisations bones are aching, backs are breaking
But don't be mistaken
You may think I've taken a harsh method with this song,
But my end goal is just for us all to get along
There are bad and good people in every corner of the Earth,
Yet it's lways Blacks and Arabs whos names are dragged through the dirt,
I've no fear of the black, Hindi or Muslim race
Next time you avoid them in a taxi, look at the expression on their face
Broken men, dying inside, Totally deprived of pride,
You can call it a joke, you can call it having the craic
But Nothing is more dangerous than a racial, verbal attack.

2nd Verse:
You think that our jobs are being taken by the so called "paki's"
Well alot of their jobs are to make your Huggies Nappies, with their blood, sweat and tears
So, during the night when you sleep tight think of all the children made to fight
Just for the right to survive, the chance to be alive, with no help to strive and no potential to thrive
Their all Caught in a backwards system
Where everyone hates with no time to listen
So take this moment now and make a decison,
Are you going to be the type that shouts their racist and proud
Or are you going to be the one that stands out from the crowd
And stand up for the rights of others,
Because whats the difference between them and our sisters and brothers

We need to accept other races
and different religions,
It seems this has become my mission

To show the people of today that we're all the same,
Even though we're  all unique in our own way, we all have different brains.

This world has become too corrupt for my liking,
Manupulation by higher powers, to keep us all fighting
They sit smiling, while plotting humanity seperation
The ''Scare tacticts'' I've refered to,
Used as worldwide intimidation.

To keep us all from realisation,
From being awakened, to the truth,

Earning oil by keeping wars going,
Poisining the minds of the youth.

When it comes down to it
A black person cries the same tears,
That we all do,we feel the same pain as a,
Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or Jew,
So why does it matter?!,
Their just people living in different conditions then you.


Discuss Anything / Why I Haven't Been Here
« on: February 22, 2013, 11:57:05 am »
The reason I've been away for the best part of this week is that I've been sick.
I should be back on tomorrow or hopefully by the end of the day, either way I'll be back on soon.

See ya's in game lads! :D

Fixed / [BUG] Other people can drive my car.
« on: February 15, 2013, 12:31:23 pm »
Description of the bug:

I own the house on the far left in Cherry Orchard and a black Sultan that came with.
The other day I was robbed ig and the guy the guy took me out of my car and started to drive it away.
I tested to see if other people could drive it and they could.

Images of the bug:

Conspiracy Theories / Aliens
« on: February 15, 2013, 11:50:38 am »
Just wondering what the community thinks about the being of different creatures in the universe and not just in the universe but whether you feel they've already arrived and are being kept in the place I'm sure many have heard about called "Area 51."

In my personal opinion I do believe in different beings in the universe and that they have been here.
The reason I think they've been here is because of crop circles,which I know a lot of them could have been done by humans but on many occasions it couldn't have been.

Like: http://www.google.ie/search?q=crop+circle+message&aq=2&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=XxoeUcbTKpSDhQem3IFg&biw=1366&bih=667&sei=fB8eUbvkKcKQhQfRuIHwBw#imgrc=gXEnZzMmQVfVZM%3A%3BB8uCNI5AmPiSRM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.worldnewstomorrow.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F01%252Finformation.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.worldnewstomorrow.com%252F%253Fp%253D4232%3B440%3B600

Here is the crop circle made by the aliens: http://www.google.ie/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cropcircleresearch.com/imgs/uk01dm/final.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.cropcircleresearch.com/articles/arecibo.html&h=565&w=675&sz=133&tbnid=YjoVfiKiyOycCM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=108&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dcrop%2Bcircle%2Bmessage%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=crop+circle+message&usg=__dbrcRPj9X19BQCfvtL_ZEzW0dOU=&docid=tFYe4_i9Y78wtM&sa=X&ei=XxoeUcbTKpSDhQem3IFg&ved=0CC4Q9QEwAA&dur=546

Another reason I believe in different being in the universe is because of this...
A lot of people believe that we are the smartest beings in the universe, the reason I think this not true is because the universe is infinite, we can only use 7% of our brains and believe it or not see 0.05% of our world.
So we're the smartest beings...in the infinite universe....who can use 7% of their brains...and see 0.05% of our world, oh and I'm the one sounding far fetched.

If anyone has any arguments or proof that I'm wrong here just post....I'm open to it.

Console and Computer Gaming / Favorite Childhood Computer Games :)
« on: February 15, 2013, 12:32:43 am »
This topic is just to bring back memories about your favorite games from your childhood.
Post and tell people about your sentimentality :)

Whether you're childhood was in the 2000's during the Playstation and Xbox era.
The 90's during the Nintendo and Sega era.
The 80's during the arcade period.
Or your favorite game was the first computer game is all irrelevant just tell us about it.

TV & Film / Favorite Genres
« on: February 15, 2013, 12:00:36 am »
In here you just post what you feel is your favorite genre/type of t.v show or film.

If you like your heart pouncing at every move someone makes, post thriller.
If you like watching actors being shot and things blowing up, post action.
If you like not being able to sleep that night, post Horror
If you...well...you get the idea :P

Fixed / [BUG] Club Diva owner loses money twice
« on: February 12, 2013, 04:00:20 pm »
Description of the bug:

When someone robs Club Diva it shows up "X has robbed Y from Club Diva"
But afterwards it shows up "X has robbed Y from your Club Diva"
The two sums of money are different and I lose both.
The second amount lost is seemingly a lot lower than the original.

Wrestling / Wrestlemania 29
« on: February 11, 2013, 09:53:37 am »
In here you just post either matches you hope to happen, matches you think will happen and who will win these matches, you could make a full Dream Card if you want or a card you think will happen. Just as long as it's about Wrestlemania 29...put it in here.

Fixed / [BUG] Owner of Club Diva can rob it.
« on: February 09, 2013, 02:16:53 pm »
Description of the bug:

I won Club Diva in FnF last night, so today I ran a test on whether I could rob it or not...I can and I would just like to post this as a bug.

Images of the bug:

Fixed / [BUG] C4 Won't Work
« on: January 19, 2013, 05:25:20 pm »
Description of the bug:

I purchased 10 blocks of c4 from The Pirate Ship, but when I went to blow up a vehicle, it showed up that I had none.

Images of the bug:

TV & Film / Favorite T.V shows
« on: September 13, 2012, 10:28:02 pm »
The list has changed since then.

HIMYM, Friends, Family Guy, Mike and Molly, Two and a Half Men, Big Bang Theory and the list could be endless.
I've always loved these shows but back then I was kinda hooked on them two shows mostly.

Introductions / Why I Haven't Been On
« on: August 27, 2012, 07:00:04 pm »
Hey guys, the reason I haven't been on in a couple of months is because I dropped my laptop and my hard drive  broke, anyway, ordered another which should be here in a matter of days, so as soon as it's delivered I'll be back on and frequently in game and on IRC.         

Introductions / Hi :)
« on: June 23, 2012, 06:17:59 pm »
Hey, I'm Underated, and I've been playing SA-MP for a while now.
I'm 13 and I'm from Ireland.
EGC seems like a nice community with nice and helpful members.
I should be playing frequently on ECNR and I will try and keep up with the latest new
I've been playing on ECNR for a while now but I'm still fairly new, so if people could show me around and give me some help I would appreciate it.
Thank you :)

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