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Messages - Varun

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11
Applications / Varun
« on: March 13, 2015, 08:26:02 pm »
In-game Name:Varun
Score: 1350 Something
How long have you been part of ECnR?: 2Years I guess maybe more
Do you understand all of the server rules?: Yes

Rate yourself: (10 being the best - 1 being the worst)
   - Driving: 9
   - Shooting: 8
   - Terrorism: 10
   - Evading the police: 9
   - Activity: 6

Do you understand and agree to abide by the server and organization rules at all times?: aye


Friday Festival / FnF 13 March 2015
« on: March 13, 2015, 05:40:49 pm »
I'm sorry for such a short notice. We are introducing Friday night Festivals again from today.

The events will start on 6PM gmt +0. Try to be there.

Forum Games / Re: Counting Game
« on: March 12, 2015, 05:08:49 pm »

Videos / Re: WTF is this!
« on: March 11, 2015, 05:09:31 pm »

Organization Information / Re: Black hand activity
« on: October 24, 2014, 10:00:46 pm »
Hi Letty,

My sincere apologies for such a delay in replying you. I'm stuck in some RL problems which are not leaving any free time for me. However, The current server activity is not favorable for any organizations. Inactivity of the server is directly proportional to organization's activity.

As for BH membership, I will add you in Black Hand.

ECNR Suggestions / Some suggestions for 1.7
« on: July 24, 2014, 05:26:07 pm »
Some suggestions:

1. When /bc have timer of 2 minutes then why don't failed cuff have the same?
2. Heavy cash reward for wanted level 200 for criminals and 5 arrest without dying for cops.
3. Buying grenades, Satchel and tear gas from new bomb store that can be in auction as new business, The price can be high to avoid possible abuse, Like 300-500k per grenade.
4. Cash rewards for killing a cop while being 10+ wanted level.
5. Fixing Kidnap (Really)
6. Removing sea-sparrow from Helibahn
7. More blowable places that needs team work, Like we do in fed
8. Introducing new cars in LV
9. Take over mode, REG BCSD or BH members can takeover some place with some command, the territory will generate revenue for that particular org until re-claimed. A high-level authority person from each org must be present ingame to begin takeover. Atleast 3-4 members of either org must be present to use this command. Takeover mode can be like a event and must need admin permission to start, Like we have in /changename command.
10. Removing cellphone, It's of no use.
11. Removing /biterope
12. Automatic Hit placement on Bank robbery, Casin0 robberies to give some meaningful task to Hitman class.
13. Removing Passport
14. Advertising milehigh via Eggman
15. Clearing bans in 1.7 except some
16. Increasing Green Haven to give the escape system a valid chance.
17. Blowable Guantanamo bay to let prisoner escape or just remove it.
18. Add map system for FnF
19. SAM missiles in army bases.

It's all for now

Fixed / Ireland Gate Toll robbery with skyline card
« on: July 22, 2014, 08:12:43 am »
As I have Gate pass for Ireland it automatically opens for me, So I'm unable to rob Ireland toll booth because everytime the gate closes it opens automatically due to skyline card.
So the person will loose around 40k in that robbery.

Friday Festival / Re: Week 2 - FnF - 18/07/14
« on: July 17, 2014, 03:51:34 pm »
I'm sorry but this FnF is not happening till I setup proper management for FnF.
@joao - I told you earlier that you cannot post FnF events.

Rule Violations / Re: IRC Spamming Vol II
« on: July 13, 2014, 10:03:08 am »
I guess that is a result of lack of our internal communication due to different online times. As the punishment has been served this time, We cannot punish them again for the same act. For future reference we would look forward to major bans and reg removals.

Friday Festival / Apply for FnF Team
« on: July 06, 2014, 12:20:18 pm »
If you want to be a part of Friday night Festivals organizing team, Please fill the form below:
Note: Please read our T&Cs before applying.

Code: [Select]
[color=green]How long you have been part of ECNR?[/color] :
[color=green]Why you want to join FnF team?[/color] :
[color=green]Do you agree with our terms and conditions mentioned below? [/color]:

-> You agree to keep secrecy of the ideas unless some official leader ask you to reveal or post it.
-> You agree to be an organizer of the event hence you will take part in event only for fun not for price.
-> You agree to be online ingame every Friday at the time of events usually from 7:00 pm gmt +0
-> You agree that you will not reveal policies and anything that happens in FnF board or #FnF.
-> You agree that failure to obey the above rules can lead to instant firing and administrative punishment.

General Information / Re: Saturday Events in compensation for FnF
« on: June 21, 2014, 06:28:17 pm »
Joao, You cannot officially post anything related to FnF, Please put them in FnF suggestion.
FnF occured yesterday, So no compensation.

But we will have series of events with big prizes.

The ECNR YouTube / Re: ECNR events 2014
« on: June 21, 2014, 06:20:08 pm »
Things getting more dirty for tonight :).

Rule Violations / Re: Boxhead - The Intervention
« on: June 17, 2014, 06:34:50 pm »
I think the topic served it's motive, Their is nothing in this world the sorting things by discussing it with clear heart.
We have a small family namely EGC. I suggest everyone to finish this issue and start afresh as Boxhead and Sean stated.

The topic is locked now.

Rule Violations / Re: Boxhead - The Intervention
« on: June 17, 2014, 11:35:02 am »
I'm unlocking the topic as I want to hear more logs from the people who have not posted yet. This type of attitude cannot be tolerated. Boxhead do have attitude problems and I would like to thanks Curiosity for giving the collection of these logs.
A person must respect others or just leave the attitude at home.
As for these Reg removal Robocop I would like if we discuss it first.

This topic is now un-locked further logs that are relevant to this report are welcome.
Do not attack Boxhead personally, Just post the logs.

Rule Violations / Re: Boxhead - The Intervention
« on: June 16, 2014, 11:24:06 pm »
oh and +1 Curiosity for bringing this up.

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