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Messages - Francis

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: What has happened?
« on: August 14, 2013, 04:55:30 pm »
Shit's simple. The flame is burning out for those of us who have been going on for years on end and there's nobody to really pass the torch to. The old dudes come back in spurts sometimes but what we need is a solid community of new dewps that holds it all up. It has to be built on the people, not the gameplay. That's how shit was ran back in the golden days. We would all get tired of the game itself if it were just bare. The diversity is brought by the people who play it.
Problem and solution in a nutshell.

Announcements / Re: What has happened?
« on: August 05, 2013, 02:47:09 pm »
I know it's out of my place talking here considering I've only been here for like a broken amount of time. But I feel like throwing my 5 cents about it.

Did it ever occur to anyone that most people just got bored of the gamemode? We've been running the same concept of CnR since the community started. (+ let's not forget back in the CRRPG days which I hope no one stones me for mentioning it). My honest-to-god opinion why I (and probably most) people left. No one (or Few) enjoys Cops and Robbers' servers anymore. We've been running CnR waaay back since Byrner owns CRRPG (Most of EGC's playerbase came from CRRPG, c'mon people). I mean sure, it was fun back then because you'd go 'omg, this is soo unique and amazing'. But now, it doesn't impress anyone.

I have seen a lot of people still getting fun even by all the time passed.

Sure, probably time to time, players would come by and play for sake.

But that isn't a consistent player-count. Say max, we have an entire 20 members in a community. -5 for those who "barely" plays. I'm talking about those who just opens their mIRC 24/7 and chat on the IRC server or hanging on the forums. -5 for those who just here once in a while. (Doesn't really play in a consistent basis). In that 10 members, 5 are probably new players who would only play once and forget all about the server (including our usual DMers and Hackers). Then we'd divide it by 2. Giving us 2-3 players on a regular basis.

All that aside, I'm not hating on anyone. I love the server, the script, the community and Byrner (also known as Enigma, Irish, etc). But like what Karagon/Voltage said
The issue may be with the replay value? I mean, a game can only be played so long until it gets boring. I myself am bored with SA-MP, to be honest, and that may just be the case with a lot of other people.
It's the replay value and let's be honest, a usual routine of robbing,raping,kidnapping or arresting..... It's not going to last very long.

Announcements / Re: What has happened?
« on: August 05, 2013, 05:04:47 am »
I know it's out of my place talking here considering I've only been here for like a broken amount of time. But I feel like throwing my 5 cents about it.

Did it ever occur to anyone that most people just got bored of the gamemode? We've been running the same concept of CnR since the community started. (+ let's not forget back in the CRRPG days which I hope no one stones me for mentioning it). My honest-to-god opinion why I (and probably most) people left. No one (or Few) enjoys Cops and Robbers' servers anymore. We've been running CnR waaay back since Byrner owns CRRPG (Most of EGC's playerbase came from CRRPG, c'mon people). I mean sure, it was fun back then because you'd go 'omg, this is soo unique and amazing'. But now, it doesn't impress anyone.

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