September 21, 2024, 02:26:43 am


When do You Want SFS to occur?

Sunday Nights
Sunday Afternoons/Evenings (includes nights so more events etc)
Saturday Nights
Saturday Afternoons/Evenings (includes nights so more events etc)
A different day

Author Topic: The New Era of EGC Events BETA  (Read 3925 times)

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Offline joaofcmb

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The New Era of EGC Events BETA
« on: October 15, 2013, 06:49:40 pm »
This is BETA only. Im discussing with byrner bout my idea. Once it is set up it will be used for events. This is a continuation of FnF but in a different day and new stuff.

Why not to bring the events back for some chilling out after work/school, here r some ideas.

FNF- I think we could make it in Sunday, like a whole sunday afternoon with events (or evening and night) and call it Sunday Fun Set or Sunday Fun Sunset (SFS) or something Enigma thinks proper. So for SFS i thought about a theme every week. Here are a few ideas

The people's century(XIX)

This century is know as the begining of the modern age. With the renaciment (or whatever is the term in english) people began to invent stuff. We had 2 industrial revolutions, 1st one at UK and a 2nd one in US, allowing us to have what we have today. Unfortuantely, there was a major world crisis (The Depressions) anf there were serious wars. WW1, WW2, the Cold War and the Colonial War, which have caused many casualties. Here are the events.

Bank money: Everyone is starving. Somehow the US found money which could help on Roosevelt's actions to save US. Well Europe wants it too, so they joined their forces to an assault, with armies driven by patriotism, heroism and the end of their poverty, US has made a convoy protecting the money. In order to bring it to the FED. They had to bring it to SA. Using the SF aircraft carrier the did so. They must protect the money from the SF aircraft carrier to the Fed. Meanwhile the European army must intercept the convoy, steal the security car and bring it safely to LS docks for departure. (The roles change when Europe steals the vehicle). The US army has: 4 patriots, 2 mavericks (in case the convoy is stoped, they might need some ground troop backup);1 infernuses and 8man least (depends on n? of people)to their disposal (these cannot rejoin battle when dead). Europe has  have 1 beagle (to db cars, get units to the ground, to force vehicle to stop,etc),4  sultans , 1 bullet and the same men as US.
Trench war: Being a tribute to WW1, its an event based on 2 trenches, (doesnt have to be so, it just need to replicate it). Basicly it is supposed to simulate the trench fronts. people in cover in their trenches, while shooting from cover. I want to simulate the fact that if they go out of cover they die, so the teams r in cover firing miniguns to the oponents. Or an admin is there with minigun to kill those who r not covered. Its a treaky event to set up, but simualting the trench fronts would be cool.

D-Day: This is a D-Day simulation. Allies arrive in SF beach and must reach LV cityhall where hitler is hidden at. This is composed by various events one at Sf beach (grab patriots and escape, if allies die, german wins), 2nd one is a TDM at the top of SF's highest building, 3rd one is in Ganton Bridge (Allies must cross bridge in their patriots, but the german made a bus roadblock, if alies die german wins) 4th is an Area 51 takeover (alies must takeover area 51 staying in the planning room for 5 minutes, if allies die, german wins) 5th is the LV Cityhall hitler kill (Allies must find where hitler is (german team decides markedman) and kill hitler (hitler will have deagle and combat shotgun). The allies win the event if they kill hitler, but german wins if they win the SF beach event. If allies win a subevent, they go to the next, if german wins a subevent they go back to the one before.

Auchvittzz rescue 3 teams- Juish, Allies and German. This happens in Area 51 (auchvitzz) The juish are inside a gas chamber (Area 51 interior). The allies have 5 minutes to take them out. Then they must cover them out Area 51. The German must avoid this, and to make sure the juish die, either by the gas or by shooting them after being rescued form gas chamber)

Berlin's Blocade: The Russian decided to divide Berlin, because of the GFR(not sure if this is its sigle in English). But some people lost their families. They must return. This is an obstacle race event inside Berlin's wall. Berlin's wall had walls, anti-vehicle steppes(giant trenches), bunkers, dogs, sand to detect, sometimes these had mines, and "Stalin's grass". Lets see who can get past. This event needs some mapping, so it has to be mapped :P.
The Corean War:Many people died in this war, millions, all for nothing. As a tribute for their pain, a CTF shall be made. 2 teams each with 2 patriots in their spawn (LV Bank and LVAP), must fight eachother in the frontier (strip). The flags r in each spawn point and the 1st team to collect 5 of these wins.

Colonial War: Damn Salazar wont give up on the colonies. We gotta do something, well u cant yet (only in next event) only option is to fight. Portuguese soldiers vs MPLA soldiers, TDM's in various locations across flint county and interiors.

The Portuguese Revolution (25 of April) The Portuguese are tired of salazar, it is time to put an end to this. Portuguese army and its people vs PIDE and Salazar's private army.

1st act- Recruitment:

The portuguese people go to Sf aircraft carrier, LS docks, SFPD and LSPD, to get the soldiers to fight.

2nd act takeovers:

The portuguese people and army must hold down several points of LV (Lisbon), for 5 minutes. Caligulas, 4Dragons, RPL, Fed and LVPD (this is PIDE's spawn, but if u take this place over PIDE's is gone, so u basicly win theis act by just taking over LVPD).(PIDE can respawn and keep fighting)

3rd act Judgement:
with PIDE taken down, the portuguese people and army head on foot to LV cityhall. There is salazar hidden and being protected, by its private army. The portuguese must head there on foot, holding of the waves of the enemy. Being this a RP event, winner is always the portuguese unless they all die (portuguese people respawn, but army doesnt).

Want3d?s Dildo Palace Yearly Festivity VII
Finaly the moment as arrived. Once again the most awaited event of the year in LV has arrived. Brought to you by Want3d?s Dildo Palace. ?Where your cock is underated?.

Cocky Derby: Various teams, each composed by two people; a driver and a ?hitter?. It starts with every team with its driver in his derby car, ando n the roof the hitter. The hitter must jump to the enemy cars and destroy them using a purple dildo. The hitter can also protect his car from enemies too. This event takes place in LV Derby Ring.
Horny Virus Takes place in the same place of the cocky derby. This is like our wellknown childhood game. One person must catch another and destroy them like a v?rus and that game i mentioned. One person on the roof of a car, has got to jump to other cars and destroy them with a purple dildo, then jump to another, til only ones survives. The car carring the Horny Virus xD then goes away, has it isnt part of the event.

Sumo Fight Enough of the cocks here, lets havea sumo fight. In the rooftop of the building where Wanted?s Dildo place is (at LV strip). Every player will sumo fight there (derby) using various vehicles. Ones have tough , other faster, etc.

Want3d?s Palace Murderbrawl (weapons r purple dildo?s)
Sexy Rumble:
Like Royal Rumble, but players spawn in ring every 2 minutes. Winner gets to face the Murderbrawl Champion for the title.
All for All Brawl In this event, getting the Murderbrawl title doenst demand respect, or to gain up in wrestling. Just register on the All for All Brawl. Where everybody gets in the ring and fight eachother till they all get wasted. The winner gains the Murderbrawl Championship Title.
Murderbrawl Championship Match
The winner of Sexy Rumble will face the Murderbrawl Champion in a match till black out. The winner gets the title.
Murderbrawl Ultimate Clash (only happens if Hiredgun online)
Every year the Murderbrawl Champ faces the Boxing Champ, for the Ultimate Clash title, and this year is no different. Pay some good 100 euros for a sit in a crapy place and watch this 1 minute fight. Players choose between fist or dildo.
SA Bus Road Trip
Aw the good ol? road trips. Camping on a place u dunno, and just keep on going to that very place has always been exciting. Lets make na Sa tour full of events, just pay 10 euros, bring food and bring your pillow, cause we aint stopping for camping, just cause its night, u sleep in the bus and hope nobody pranks you. Now lets see the  Route and the events. (will include some of the events planned for Joao?s events, which didnt occur).

1-   This Road Trip is sponsored by Deadpros, so he will giveaway his bus, which he will drive and meet the participants waiting at his home entrance.
2-   After driving to Ms_Understood?s house, we will be making a race. There there r pink banshee?s. They must be taken to the Fancy Car shop, where there the participants must pick up the pink Infernuses there and get em back to the startline. Then we shall have a LMS inside Ms_Understood?s house.
3-   After this warmup, we continue torwards Merdant Meadows, to the Ambandoned Airport for a Silenced Pistol LMS inside na andromada on movement. After the event the plane will land in AA and the road trip procedes.
4-   The next stop is at Area 69, for a CTF event. 1 team base at the launch bay, another team in ?rea 69 blast door ?hall?. As there r no flags someone just has to go there and return. There will be two admin referee?s to ensure flags r correctly captured, one at each base.
5-   The Bus heads now to the docks near Ganton Bridge, where the boat driving school is located in singleplayer. There will occur a boa trace. Boats must cross Ganton Bridge then go back arround (use shaddows as mark.), then head out south to the 1st boat, swich to na hovercraft and keep going south to the 2nd boat where a diferente boat is. There the participants turn around and head north again. Winner is the one who crosses complitly Ganton Bridge.
6-   Now that we?ve entered SF, its time for a diferente event. A parachute race. The participants must parachute all way down SF?s highest building and land on SFPD?s heliport.
7-   The there will be two LMS events in SF?s Naval Base, our next destination. One LMS will be in hunters and the other one in hydras.
8-   Before leaving SF we shall go to its airport for a Beagle LTS. Each team is composed by two people. A driver and a shooter.
9-   Unfortunatly its time to say goodbye to SF, but dont be so unhappy, this road trip continues, now heading to Mt Chilliad. There will be a race starting to the bottom til the top, using the longer path torwards the top using a sanchez. At the top people must pick up a bike and head down using ONLY the short path, no shortcuts, no all the way down, just that route.
10-   Now we go enroute to LS, into Vinehood, inside Madd Dogz house and have a TDM in there.
11-   After this  TDM we head downtown, and we have a Sniper DM across these buildings.
12-   There is nothing better than a sunny day in a beach, adn LS is the best place for that, so why not go there, have some fun and then, at the end, make a race, from the Pier to Grove Street,.
13-   We say goodbye to LS with a TDM in this great house on a hill near the airport and a TDM in a boat at LS docks.
14-   We head back to LV thu Blaine County and we stop at the LV aircraft carrier for a LMS match. 1 person will be driving an hydra,and will try to hit people on the bridge. These people defend them selves by running, will this work, if not use you RPG, but mind that u can only use 3 of these and that the hydra pilot respawns at Area 69 and gets another hydra.
15-   We are now close to the end fo the trip, which is a little sad, but lets cheer itu p with a CTF at the strip between two teams. The bases r at Caligula?s and 4 dragons.
16-   Unfortunately i tis time for the last event  :( :( :(. But cheer up guys because it was a great day and i tis still time for one more event. A open field tank LMS. I tis simple u get in a tank. On an admin?s mark u have 5 minutes to go somewhere around all LV. After these 5 minutes na admin will begin the LMS. The tanks can go anywhere around LV, but they cant leave the city. If thye do they get disqualified.

This is BETA only. Im hoping that byrner and wataki do a server for events. It is a combination of MM (Mini-Missions), a popular event server; teleportation kind of thing u type a /freeroam command and then u can drive around or use teleprots to teleport to fun places like Jumps, like the big mile thing in ECNR, parkours, races, stunt parks, etc; and a area called SE (Special events) which is for SFS (it wont be removed just moved to this server).

Also combining this im planing a IRC channel called #Events. It will have a fully operational bot working as security and with the commands /schedule and /info (the text apeears in pm to avoid flood). The schedule as the daily schedule of events and /info as the events info. The events could be many of them, like quiz time (MoxQuizz) comedy time (comedy bots and those bots that r cool to speak with n shit) etc.....

2355 words
Regular ECNR player and Bone County's Sheriff's Department Sergeant

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Re: The New Era of EGC Events BETA
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2013, 06:54:38 pm »
Holy Shit that is the shortes post ever, But the idea seems nice
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Re: The New Era of EGC Events BETA
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2013, 10:11:27 pm »
1) Long ass post
2) I somewhat like it
3) being it on a Sunday may work. Sunday is my homework day, and Sunday night I get ready for school.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Matthew 5:4

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Re: The New Era of EGC Events BETA
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2013, 09:10:31 am »

nice idea (i couldnt keep reading tho) but do it on Saturdays,people have less shit to do
A guy who got his life back

Offline joaofcmb

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Re: The New Era of EGC Events BETA
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2013, 02:23:32 pm »
OKY DOCKY SFS will be Saturday Fun Set  :D
Regular ECNR player and Bone County's Sheriff's Department Sergeant

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Re: The New Era of EGC Events BETA
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2013, 09:49:12 pm »
OKY DOCKY SFS will be Saturday Fun Set  :D
People do stuff on Friday and Saturday nights,  give it a try on Sunday nights, if it does not work than maybe just not bring em back.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Matthew 5:4

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Re: The New Era of EGC Events BETA
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2013, 05:03:20 pm »
Looks like we got an argue here. The poll will solve it out, vote for your favorite day/time. If the winning vote isnt behond 2/3rd of the others then this will be solved by Enigma.


Result: Enigma's decision

Other day:1
Result: Enigma's decision

Result: Saturday wins

Other day:2
Result: Enigma's decision

Other day:9
Result: Other day wins (thurder poll to decide the day with the same rules)

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Re: The New Era of EGC Events BETA
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2013, 08:31:24 am »

Offline Curiosity

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Re: The New Era of EGC Events BETA
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2013, 12:56:04 pm »
Other day:0