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Messages - Aaron_Ewing

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Announcements / Re: I think I Saw a new Administrator!
« on: March 15, 2015, 04:45:03 pm »
Welcome back to team for the 3rd time :P :P

Forum Games / Re: Counting Game
« on: March 12, 2015, 05:25:39 pm »

General Server Discussion / Re: What is happening ?!
« on: March 02, 2015, 09:24:48 am »
Unfortunately were aren't on the hosted list because nobody has purchased anything from the EGC Store lately, The money from that goes towards the server being hosted. But again. Nobody has bought anything as of late.

As far as FGRPG goes, I honestly can't say why it hasn't been released yet, Because to be dead honest, I really don't know. I myself haven't seen Viper in quite a while and I know he's supposed to be working on it and idk anything of it's progress.

And a lot of people have been anticipating the release of ECNR's Version 1.7 ... I am even waiting for that and I know if and when that's released, we should be back on track.

And honestly Idk why people died on the forums. IRC get's more action than ig and forums combined, People linger in IRC and the people that just linger don't say anything, And there are a few people that have been talking a shit ton everyday on IRC, Rarely does anyone go ingame. Although a couple days ago we had a few people go in, But didn't stay in the game for very long.

General Information / Re: And yet another one
« on: January 29, 2015, 04:50:10 am »
Happy Belated Birthday You damn Panzy!!! :-*

Discuss Anything / Re: Aaron_Ewing and Saw finally meet in person
« on: January 11, 2015, 01:21:37 am »
Jesus christ I was joking when I said that he'd rape you.. He actually pulled out handcuffs and everything?!

Who was taking the pictures?

Nobody was raped. lol. The handcuffing and the guns were GTA Humor, That's it. :P

Discuss Anything / Re: Aaron_Ewing and Saw finally meet in person
« on: January 06, 2015, 08:48:52 pm »
What you should've done is used Photoshop or Paint to add player name, color and health bar to the top of yourselves in the arrest scene lolol

Now that I think About it, I think I should have thought of doing that.

Delighted ya's met up lads. Gotta' love the bond the EGC community has. Even at a time when things have been slow.

Yeah it was actually awesome to see him. His mom and my mom talked for hours, So I think our mom's hit it off lol. And I think Saw is gonna come back again sometime in March to hang out longer. I wished more players would do this. Put's a face behind the name you only see on the computer.

Discuss Anything / Aaron_Ewing and Saw finally meet in person
« on: January 06, 2015, 01:08:41 am »
Alright guys. Some of you didn't believe that Saw and I were gonna meet in person. Well here's a little something to prove all of you girls wrong.

He and I have been hanging out for 7 Hours already. So there's your proof, Saw will add another photo that was taken from his phone when he gets a chance.

Took 2 more pics after this post was made. So giving you guys a couple more.

Me Arresting Saw in Person "GTA-SA Humor" cause I am /cuffing and /ar'ing. you'll get it

And posing with my BB gun's that look real

General Server Discussion / Re: Just Letting You Guys Know
« on: January 03, 2015, 07:08:11 pm »
had melted looking graphics.

Are you using a Dell? Because I have a Dell with the same issue. Not the graphics chip hasn't molten off yet, but those idiots didn't apply enough thermal paste causing lots of overheating issues. Try under clocking your graphics card if you can. Although performance would be affected, the card would be stable overall.

I don't have a dell, I have a Toshiba.

General Server Discussion / Just Letting You Guys Know
« on: January 01, 2015, 08:40:18 am »
For the passed few days I've been dealing with a graphics issue. To where everything looked fine on my laptop from 1 point, To where I lost graphics entirely. And within these passed few days I've been trying constantly to see if any change came of my laptop, By leaving it off then turning it back on at random. And I was fucking with it constantly and had melted looking graphics. Until my last attempt to get graphics back to where it should be. And finally I got full graphics back. But for how long? That is the thing that is worrying me because I know it's not gonna last as long as I want it to, So in the mean time I am gonna be riding it until I lose it again. So don't consider the post as me announcing my inactivity cause as far as I'm concerned I'm not inactive. And Also knowing I may lose it again I am gonna be looking for a new graphics card and hopefully I can find it in time, I've called my laptop's makers which directed me to the parts and replacements department and all I got was a recording for what website's I would have to goto in order for me to get the help I need. To me it's a total waste of a call if I'm calling wanting to talk in voice, NOT goto a website. So what I wanna do is have a computer repair shop fix this issue for me. Even if it costs an arm and a leg.

So the reason of this post is everything I explained, If you don't see me in IRC. You know it could have happened again but for as long as the graphics last me, I am here until otherwise.

General Server Discussion / Re: Da fuq is this shit
« on: December 25, 2014, 09:11:16 pm »
I'm wondering the same exact thing. Some people are able to connect "According to RoboCop" He's connected. But as for me, Ryan Cook and now you, We can't connect, I've been trying all day to no avail.

Went as far as restarting my connection multiple times, Closing IRC and re-opening it and still nothing. So I am waiting on Byrner to see and respond to my facebook message I left him, I didn't let him know of the situation yet. All I asked was if he was around. So that then when he reply's I could let him know that a majority of us can't connect to IRC and some other's can. So you're not the only one this is happening to.

**UPDATE** Just talked to Saw on Facebook to see if he was experiencing the same issue and he is. He informed me that the entire service to our IRC is down. And NOBODY should have been able to connect,  Not even RoboCop when I thought he said he was connected, Idk. Maybe I misinterpreted it or something but that's as far as I know. All we can do from this point is wait it out. I've been waiting all day and it's truthfully agonizing. I wanna get back online as much as anyone else would. So yeah

**UPDATE #2** If nobody's noticed yet. Services to IRC are now back online and you should be able to join. I tried updating this again last night but it wouldn't let me.

Wrestling / Re: STING
« on: December 24, 2014, 08:32:24 pm »
Yeah. Sting did make a debut at the Survivor Series PPV to ensure Triple H stopped cheating during the Team Authority VS Team Cena Match. That's the only time we seen him, Now there are speculations floating around that there "Might" Be a Match of Triple H VS Sting at 2015's WrestleMania. That match would be epic to see.

Now as far as the writing by the WWE Story line Creators. We all know "WE" as the fans could do a much better job at making a story line than they can. They are running out of ideas and make up as they go for each show, Whether it be what someone says on the microphone, To who wins what match and how. We know what we wanna see match wise, They don't. We have to watch whatever they come up with. Even if we don't like the way it plays out.

And for The Brock Lesnar thing. He should be doing more since he's the champ, Because everyone that has held that title defended it even during a non PPV show. During Raw, During SmackDown, Brock Lesnar is the ONLY one not doing that, He's only doing PPV Matches. The WWE Shouldn't have brought him back just for PPV, what good does it do for the company? They need a fighting Champ, There are more deserving people on the roster, Some don't agree that 1 of the deserving is John Cena. He is a fighting Champion, Daniel Bryan was forced to give up the title due to injury, And he deserves to earn it back. Roman Reigns hasn't been a champion except a Tag team champion, And he'd be great holding the WWE Championship. So really all WWE needs is better story line writers and a new fighting champion that's always gonna be there for every show he defends it at. Not every once in a blue moon.

Discuss Anything / Post A Picture Of Your Christmas Tree
« on: December 22, 2014, 08:59:53 am »
Hey guys. Just wanted to start something random. Also to show the forums some life. Because rarely anyone posts anything anymore. It's like everyone dropped like flies. So we need to start making these forums still worth talking on instead of it having it look like a ghost town with like 2 or so posts from anyone a month.

Anyways, On Topic. Post what you're Christmas tree looks like, How you decorated it and what not. Here's my tree, it's probably not the most sexiest looking tree but it's still a tree. :P

Let's see what you're working with "Not sexually intended"

« on: November 05, 2014, 07:25:41 am »
lets hack this site and we get it for free  :)

Not a good idea. ;)

ECNR Suggestions / Re: a bit suggestion for our server
« on: November 03, 2014, 04:49:56 pm »
Unfortunately Game-MP have raised the price of the hosted list subscription and EGC has no money.

How much dose it really cost to get on the hosted list?

Well. how much the cost?. we must pay per month ?

It's like $15 a month to be hosted. But we don't have the money because nobody's buying anything from the EGC store. When people do that, it puts funds into the server. And that's the thing that keeps us afloat.

Introductions / Re: Amombob BACK and Request admin help
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:21:13 pm »
Hey, Usually when people go inactive for a while. We remove their Reg and Army. And since it's actually been a total of 3 and a half months since you last played "Player Amombob was last seen ingame on 12/7/2014 at 14:29:49" You would have lost your reg and army. So you have to re-apply for it all again, As far as your password. We can reset it. So if you got IRC, Get on that and send me, or any other admin who is online telling us what you want your new password to be.

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