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Topics - Chito

Pages: [1]
Introductions / :Ninja:
« on: January 10, 2014, 03:41:41 am »
Well then,

Dont ask how or why, just know youre in for an ass whoopin!

and i'll let Robo Take it From here :P


Music & Videos / Is That Chito?
« on: April 24, 2013, 05:47:58 pm »

check out my new video!! Show love please!

ECNR Suggestions / New Suggestion
« on: March 03, 2013, 06:05:02 pm »
Suggestion name: Blowable Building in Parkwest
Description: What the name says

Reason for suggestion: i think with the new updated there should be a new building to be able to blow up! >:)

How it benefits the server: Something new to blow up!

Fixed / [BUG] BH Base Gates
« on: January 30, 2013, 11:30:43 pm »
Description of the bug:

when we drive up to them they dont go up, it makes us use the number pad. unlike the TF 141 base that they just drive to it.. and they go in.

Images of the bug:

Closed Organizations / The Almighty Blackhand
« on: January 22, 2013, 03:43:49 am »
The Almighty Blackhand


Death. So many believed that it finally came for us. That we were finally over, and that peace could be lived. Many moved on, almost as though we never existed. A stick in the sand was all that was left. Yet like a phoenix reborn in the ashes of it's past, we rose. We came together, bonded by a brotherhood so strong not even death could rattle us. Some of us came from afar, long since heard
from. Some of us lay quiet, speaking and earning trust like the others, but lying and waiting to strike the heart in the shadows. When we come together, we paint the land our colors. Black for the shadows, who guide and protect us. Red for the blood, we spill and take. We will suppress, overwhelm, and destroy all who oppose us. We are not a team... but a single collective knowledge dedicated
to the downfall of anyone who crosses our creed. We do not discriminate. We do not judge. You are either with us, or against us. We are the Black Hand, the almighty.


You guys already know who we are and what we do, if you dont you will find out soon enough >:)

La Familia

Chito - The Big Boss

-The Bosses-

The Saint
Creeping Death

Code: [Select]
In-game Name:
Who Recruited You?:

How long have you been part of ECnR?:
Do you understand all of the server rules?:

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving:
   - Shooting:
   - Blowing Shit up:
   - Escaping The Cops:
   - Loyalty:
   - Respect:
   - Activity:

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?:
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?:
You agree that The Byrner is the best Owner of all time:

Fixed / [BUG] Cuff Bugg
« on: October 27, 2012, 10:48:50 pm »
Description of the bug:

i was cuffed while in jail... and when out of jail..

Images of the bug:

Rule Violations / [DONE] FluffyBanana
« on: October 26, 2012, 04:29:25 am »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
i blew him up.. he got mad

Picture Evidence
<%ECNR1> 16 FluffyBanana (7) - k?
<%ECNR2> [Death] 16 FluffyBanana(7) 1killed himself.
<%ECNR2> [SPAWN] FluffyBanana (7).
<%ECNR1> 4 Chito (1) - <3
<%ECNR1> 16 FluffyBanana (7) - dammit bro you costed me fucking 5000000 dollers!!!!!!!!!!!
<%ECNR1> 4 Chito (1) - lmaoo
<%ECNR1> 16 FluffyBanana (7) - CHITO YOUR A FUCKING FAG
<%ECNR2> 4 Chito (1) - umadbro?
<%ECNR1> 16 FluffyBanana (7) - I LOST FUCKING 5MIL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Introductions / Its C To The H to The I.T.O
« on: October 20, 2012, 08:48:58 am »


Let me introduce myself..

My Name is Chito..i bully people in game [with in the rules ofc ;)]
im a veteran to this gamemode.. lets see how this plays out

We The Black Hand.... The Almighty ;)

Pages: [1]