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Topics - Littleman

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ECNR Suggestions / Robbing Gunz
« on: September 22, 2012, 04:56:20 pm »
Well as we all know we can rob money from ammunations, but why not being able to rob gunz from them also?

Discuss Anything / Dream job? :D
« on: September 16, 2012, 07:43:01 pm »
What is your dream job ( the job you want to have)? My dream job is to become a vet, because i love animals and i want to take care of our best friends :D

Online Games / World Of Warcraft
« on: September 14, 2012, 09:08:23 pm »
Hello i started back up on World of Warcraft this summer. I olny play it during the summer so i can pay attention  to school. I play on the Relm Coilfang, My main on that relm is a lvl 50 Taruen Hunter named PattyMac. I also have a lvlv 33 druid named Uncle Dave. If you play World of Warcraft please post with: Your relm, character name, if youi would like to real id please you can also put your email.

Health, Life & Relationships / My Electronic heroin
« on: September 14, 2012, 02:25:56 am »
Ever since i got my computer in The grade, I discovered World of Warcraft. In 8Th grade i discovered Enigma's  server(s). Video games have been ruling my life since i discovered theses games. I feel like I have no life anymore as i have always on my computer. When I got back from my high school retreat yesterday, chapel spoke out to me. Our speaker Joseph Allegory, inspired me. There is an infinite hole hole in us, that hole is not complete until Christ is accepted into our life's. He gave up his son on the cross to die, for forgiveness of our sins. NUMBER THREE! 1) love god, 2) love people 3) love yourself. God gave the most valuable thing that he could, his son. I learned you shall put God above before anyone else as he created us in his own image, without him we would not be here today. It is our duty as Christian's today to help spread god's word. I feel like video games is taking over my life, and that's like all I do now. I go to a Christian school, and I feel like I don't know him because of my addiction to video games. Instead of playing video games I could be reading the bible or something of that nature. So I am limiting my Playing time, it will be hard and it will take some time. I also need to pay attention to school as the years count. What is holding you back from God? For me it's video games and my computer. SO SPEAK UP!

ECNR Suggestions / Need score for cop
« on: September 09, 2012, 10:07:12 pm »
As new players come; they mostly go cop. I noticed this has been happening a lot: http://i46.tinypic.com/2yuzwv7.png . So why not make the score be 50? That gives them plenty of time to get used to the rules.  And lower the Fbi score?

Discuss Anything / 9/11-/01" The day the towers fell" 11 years!
« on: September 09, 2012, 05:10:52 am »
Well i won't be here Monday-Wensday as i go on my high school retreat. But i wanted to start this topic because you should be aware of what happened that horrible day. 4 planes were high jacked and two hit the WTC( world trade center), one hit the pentagon ( America's National defense base) and one went down in a field. THE VIDEOS BELOW ARE GRAPHIC, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!


R.I.P to all those innocent men and women who lost their lives that day.  R.I.P to all those 342 firefighters that died in NY that day. Never forget!

Current Affairs / Obama vs. Romney
« on: September 08, 2012, 09:50:43 pm »
Well as we all know election time is coming up in america, and it's about to be hell here in America as the debates roll on. Well in the past four years America's spot in the world's strongest economies, our spot has gone down 4 spots since 2008. It's not all of Obama's fault. Yes i agree everyone should have health care, but how will it be payed for? Yes that's right our TAXES. 1.1 trillion in debt since 2008.  Our unemployed rates have dropped drastically since 2008. I personally want Romney to win. Please feel free to express. :) 

I got out of GB and it took me here right when i was free.

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ECNR Suggestions / RPL(regular players lounge)
« on: September 08, 2012, 04:36:44 pm »
Well we all know what the RPL is, but there is nothing to do in it,  only its used for is hiding from cops and people. Why not make it fun by making it a bmx park inside?

ECNR Suggestions / Admin Freeze
« on: August 25, 2012, 04:06:31 am »
Well today i got reported for dmin'g. My mouse did not work neither did my key bored. I thought they came unplugged then i plugged them back in mouse did not work then it worked. Turned out i was frozen but i did not see the admins text.  So why not have a thing come up in big words on your screen similar to join events, so you can see that the admin froze you?

General Server Discussion / Inactive Topic
« on: August 19, 2012, 07:12:52 pm »
Instead of filling up general discussion post here when you go inactive for any reason.

Introductions / Have no fear LM is here!
« on: August 18, 2012, 09:57:21 pm »
Well my name is Littleman.  I am 15 years old I live In North Carolina.  Some of you may know me from the corrupted CRRPG. Well I am a scorewhore. Well school just started. My parents have been devorced since I was 5. So I don't have time to carry my computers to both houses( unless day off from school). So I will not play this week then next week I will play then I wont play that week after. I'm sure y'all remember.  I love this server.  Fauwk skool.
       ~ LM

Rule Violations / [DONE] papadopulozzo hacking
« on: August 12, 2012, 09:45:34 pm »

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ECNR Suggestions / Fires
« on: August 11, 2012, 06:42:59 pm »
As we all know it fighting fires takes way too long to do with any number of people, so why not make the fire time be up to 5min, or just go back to the old way?

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