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Messages - Littleman

Pages: 1 ... 30 31 [32] 33
ECNR Suggestions / Re: Remove unneccery parts of the script.
« on: August 21, 2012, 01:21:40 am »
    Eggland - I think it just needs to be ReMapped to give it a New/Better Look

    You don't seem to get it, these extra objects causes server lag.
    • Eggland is a massive waste. We don't need a dump with more than 200 objects scripted not to mention it is based off from Eggman
    topic=455.msg1762#msg1762]Ratzu's Suggestion[/url] work.
    Then like I said Remap Eggland? And if you think it is a bad idea because of Eggman then change the name aswell? It is another place we can go to, to rob and things which is also part of the Terrorist Stuff. So ReMap Eggland and change it's name
    For the BH Base... Yes I do agree it should be remapped...[/list]
    No! we don't need another island! We have LS or SF to use. Another island will only cause lag/slowness.
    agreed. And how many people have actually used eggland? And why expand into outskirts of LS I Be Stealing? When there is hardly any places to rob? Just keep the server in LV like th script has always been.

    ECNR Suggestions / Re: Font Display
    « on: August 20, 2012, 09:39:38 pm »
    I agree- but it makes ur job harder as a criminal :(. But yea I don't like the text

    ECNR Suggestions / Re: Anti Lag Shoot
    « on: August 19, 2012, 09:35:26 pm »
    I find it baffling that you guys don't want to fix the main problem with SAMP.
    If the SAMP Team fixes it in the next version you'll all be like "omg look at the sync" and praise the work of the samp team, because they fixed a problem in their game.
    Now we have a solution at hand to put an end to the problem, and you guys reject it because shooting the air rather than the player is fun.
    agree with rats. Some people Internet is shit like mine.  I like the idea

    General Server Discussion / Inactive Topic
    « on: August 19, 2012, 07:12:52 pm »
    Instead of filling up general discussion post here when you go inactive for any reason.

    ECNR Suggestions / Re: Remove unneccery parts of the script.
    « on: August 19, 2012, 02:42:37 pm »
    Here are some items we could remove
      Future's old base/home
      One of BH/Mafia's base
      Ireland Gates (unless we decided to not make it a spawning place)
      Jim (clearly, he's a trademark of our old server such as Eggman)

    Remove them all and it will save us less lines to compile and use.
    Agreed, well i don't know if dazler (or diZone) plays on this server, but you know that car shop on the strip count and ..... why not get rid of that, since they don't play.  And if someone wants to buy it, just put it back into the script :)

    Introductions / Have no fear LM is here!
    « on: August 18, 2012, 09:57:21 pm »
    Well my name is Littleman.  I am 15 years old I live In North Carolina.  Some of you may know me from the corrupted CRRPG. Well I am a scorewhore. Well school just started. My parents have been devorced since I was 5. So I don't have time to carry my computers to both houses( unless day off from school). So I will not play this week then next week I will play then I wont play that week after. I'm sure y'all remember.  I love this server.  Fauwk skool.
           ~ LM

    ECNR Suggestions / Re: Remove unneccery parts of the script.
    « on: August 18, 2012, 09:05:09 pm »
    1) get rid of the humping cows: it is pointless in the script. (2) Get rod of the gate in Ireland: it is pointless

    ECNR Suggestions / Re: Rob Houses
    « on: August 18, 2012, 06:22:39 pm »
    Ah no. I don't agree. We already have enough places to rob. Carkjackers. Steel cars from people or the car shops not random houses

    ECNR Suggestions / Re: Fires
    « on: August 18, 2012, 01:58:15 am »
    Yea i love the house fire idea, and i love the old way a lot better.  But the firemen dont know were all the houses are, so if there is a house fire put a little fire truck symbol ( like trucking) on the location of the fire. And the brush fires i love the idea too ( with fire truck symbol).  Why not have the military thing cath on fire near Gh?
    I do not agree in House Fires... Yes In real life they happened... but people pay for it with real money and what is the point in buying one if at some point you will not be able to use it since your house will be on Fire? That would turn my nose away with buying stuff...
    Then make it so they can enter while its on fire. Or make the houses catch on fire when the certain owner is not ingame

    ECNR Suggestions / Re: Fires
    « on: August 18, 2012, 12:48:09 am »
    Yea i love the house fire idea, and i love the old way a lot better.  But the firemen dont know were all the houses are, so if there is a house fire put a little fire truck symbol ( like trucking) on the location of the fire. And the brush fires i love the idea too ( with fire truck symbol).  Why not have the military thing cath on fire near Gh?

    Announcements / Re: Player slots increased!
    « on: August 18, 2012, 12:08:45 am »
    I am glad we can start over. We are growing fast :)

    ECNR Suggestions / Re: Save weapons.
    « on: August 14, 2012, 09:22:24 pm »
    My internet its on its peroid right now, like always. Well that would be hard to keep up with the peolpe that time out a lot.  Why not make it for backpacks only?

    Rule Violations / [DONE] papadopulozzo hacking
    « on: August 12, 2012, 09:45:34 pm »

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    ECNR Suggestions / Re: Leaving the server while cuffed
    « on: August 12, 2012, 08:18:44 pm »
    Well when my suspects leave while cuffed, i /admin....... but i do like the auto jail thing

    ECNR Suggestions / Re: Fires
    « on: August 11, 2012, 10:47:47 pm »
    to be honest i miss the old way. There i had the feeling i was a firefighter. Now its spraying on something what dont exist :(

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