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Topics - Aaron_Ewing

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
Discuss Anything / Aaron_Ewing and Saw finally meet in person
« on: January 06, 2015, 01:08:41 am »
Alright guys. Some of you didn't believe that Saw and I were gonna meet in person. Well here's a little something to prove all of you girls wrong.

He and I have been hanging out for 7 Hours already. So there's your proof, Saw will add another photo that was taken from his phone when he gets a chance.

Took 2 more pics after this post was made. So giving you guys a couple more.

Me Arresting Saw in Person "GTA-SA Humor" cause I am /cuffing and /ar'ing. you'll get it

And posing with my BB gun's that look real

General Server Discussion / Just Letting You Guys Know
« on: January 01, 2015, 08:40:18 am »
For the passed few days I've been dealing with a graphics issue. To where everything looked fine on my laptop from 1 point, To where I lost graphics entirely. And within these passed few days I've been trying constantly to see if any change came of my laptop, By leaving it off then turning it back on at random. And I was fucking with it constantly and had melted looking graphics. Until my last attempt to get graphics back to where it should be. And finally I got full graphics back. But for how long? That is the thing that is worrying me because I know it's not gonna last as long as I want it to, So in the mean time I am gonna be riding it until I lose it again. So don't consider the post as me announcing my inactivity cause as far as I'm concerned I'm not inactive. And Also knowing I may lose it again I am gonna be looking for a new graphics card and hopefully I can find it in time, I've called my laptop's makers which directed me to the parts and replacements department and all I got was a recording for what website's I would have to goto in order for me to get the help I need. To me it's a total waste of a call if I'm calling wanting to talk in voice, NOT goto a website. So what I wanna do is have a computer repair shop fix this issue for me. Even if it costs an arm and a leg.

So the reason of this post is everything I explained, If you don't see me in IRC. You know it could have happened again but for as long as the graphics last me, I am here until otherwise.

Discuss Anything / Post A Picture Of Your Christmas Tree
« on: December 22, 2014, 08:59:53 am »
Hey guys. Just wanted to start something random. Also to show the forums some life. Because rarely anyone posts anything anymore. It's like everyone dropped like flies. So we need to start making these forums still worth talking on instead of it having it look like a ghost town with like 2 or so posts from anyone a month.

Anyways, On Topic. Post what you're Christmas tree looks like, How you decorated it and what not. Here's my tree, it's probably not the most sexiest looking tree but it's still a tree. :P

Let's see what you're working with "Not sexually intended"

TV & Film / Robin Williams, Dead at age 63
« on: August 12, 2014, 03:13:12 am »
The world has lost one of the most iconic and if not, The Funniest actor to ever to step foot in the entertainment industry, Robin Williams was found dead at his home in Tiburon,CA within the San Francisco Bay Area.

Robin has been dealing with depression issue as of late and it's suspected that played a role in his untimely death due to an apparent suicide. Asphyxiation is what is being ruled out, Meaning he was found hanging.

For who aren't familiar with who Robin Williams is, He is known for the following movie's.

* Mrs. Doubtfire

* Flubber

* Jamanji

* Peter Pan

* Popeye

* Aladdin (Voice of Genie)

And more listed at this link :

My thought's and prayers go out to Robin's family and friends, I really wished this was all a hoax, But sadly it isn't. He was and always will be my #1 Favorite actor's of all time. And He will be missed wholeheartedly...

Bugs & Mistakes / How to post a Bug / mistake
« on: June 15, 2014, 02:32:00 pm »
If you seen a bug or a mistake ingame that hasn't been reported to us, Let us know here by giving a full description of the bug or mistake. A picture is useful to give us more of an idea of what bug your talking about and where it's located at.

Bugs : Something that doesn't seem right in the game mode such as glitches in the map

Mistake : Can be within an auto text such as Eggman, If the auto text displays a miss spelled word, That would be considered as a mistake. Even Objects don't belong can be a mistake

Ban Management / How to post a Ban Appeal
« on: June 15, 2014, 01:51:34 pm »
If you have been banned and want a chance to be unbanned, Here is the place to make it.

On how to properly make a ban appeal you will have to follow the format as displayed

Player Name:

Date of Ban:

Time of Ban (GMT):

Description of Ban:

Why you should be unbanned?:

When you have successfully submitted the ban appeal, You will have to wait until an admin that which banned you, Responds and decides what happens from there on out...

Also, DO NOT bump your post by making a new reply to your original post. If you want to add something to your ban appeal, Click the Edit button, and that will allow you to make whatever changes you want to it.

Rule Violations / How to post evidence of a rulebreaker
« on: June 15, 2014, 01:38:25 pm »
This is a short and simple tutorial about how to post a picture as evidence here on the forums

First, what you need to do is goto a picture/video uploading site like for example "" Select the file name, Then click the upload button, From there, you would wanna highlight the code where it says "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" The code would begin looking like this [IMG]

Once you have that copied, What you will do next is make a new topic on the forums, Make sure to add in the subject box, The name of the player who you are reporting, And what Rulebreak has been committed by that player, For example " Saw - DeathMatching " Or whatever reason it is, even if it's hacking, Flaming/insulting you or another player. Make sure to add it in the subject.

Then paste your evidence that you just got from copying the code, And paste it in the Bigger box, Then to be sure it went right, Click Preview to see if the picture is showing up, And if it does, Then Post it by clicking where it says "Post"

Also, For the people that have IRC, You can also use the logs from the main chat on IRC, And copy and paste them in this board. The logs can serve as evidence opposed to a picture if you don't have one, That shows someone admitting to having say "Hacks" and proof that someone is flaming..

Hopefully I covered all of this, If you have any questions, Feel free to ask an admin on the forums, IRC or even ingame. Using /admin you can ask us whatever question regarding this board you wanna ask us.

Announcements / EGC Store Items 30% OFF
« on: January 09, 2014, 09:12:39 pm »
For the rest of January ALL items on the EGC online store is 30% Off. So what that means is whatever price is listed will be cut down to 30% so you'd be paying less, But again it's for the month of January. So if you wanna buy something, Do so before the month is over. So ACT NOW before it's too late!

Wrestling / Mae Young Dies at 90..
« on: January 09, 2014, 04:10:17 pm »

WWE Hall of Fame wrestler Mae Young is gravely ill ... BUT NOT DEAD ... this according to local reports.

Young -- the only wrestler to compete in NINE DIFFERENT DECADES (her first match in 1939; her last in 2010) -- was hospitalized and placed on life support in South Carolina last month.

The Post and Courier initially reported 90-year-old Young passed away, but later updated the story ... saying the wrestling legend is alive but very sick.

Mae and fellow pioneer female wrestler The Fabolous Moolah returned to the WWE back in 1999 -- when they were both in their 70s -- and were involved in numerous iconic moments like being powerbombed through a table by the Dudley Boyz ... and the birth of "hand.".

Read more:


Update 01/14/2014: Mae Young eventually passed away today confirmed by sources in the WWE.

WWE posted the following statement on Mae Young's passing tonight:

"WWE is greatly saddened by the news that WWE Hall of Famer Mae Young, beloved member of the WWE family and oldest living squared circle personality, has passed at the age of 90.

Johnnie Mae Young was truly one of the greatest female competitors to ever lace up a pair of boots. A proud competitor for three quarters of a century and valued part of WWE to her last day, Young truly blazed a path for future female grapplers beginning in the 1940s.

From the moment she first stepped through the ropes, Young established herself as one of the most active and successful female Superstars ? including becoming the first U.S. Women's Champion, carrying out one of the most storied rivalries of the time with the legendary Mildred Burke in 1954 and being among the first female competitors to tour post-war Japan.

In addition to her contributions inside the ring, Young played a huge part in training the Superstars of tomorrow, including late, great Hall of Famer The Fabulous Moolah ? the longest reigning champion in sports-entertainment history.

In recent years, Young's career received the recognition it deserved. In 2005, she and several of her contemporaries were profiled in ?Lipstick and Dynamite,? a documentary film about the early pioneers of women's wrestling. In 2008, Young joined co-star, trainee and late friend Moolah and "Sensational" Sherri Martel in the highest class of Superstars, as she became only the third female to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame at that time.

The entire WWE Universe offers a standing ovation to a true queen of the canvas and bids Mae Young a heartfelt farewell."

The following WWE Wrestlers from the passed and present, have expressed their condolences to Mae Young Via Twitter

Dwayne Johnson ‏@TheRock
She's a wrestling pioneer. I truly had deep affection & respect for "Aunty Mae" Young. RIP. #IMissUMae

Ezekiel Jackson ‏@zekewwe
#Rip #MaeYoung


if I was as tough as #Maeyoung, I'd be a monster...

my condolences to her family... ?

MVP ‏@The305MVP
Every time I saw Mae Young, EVERY TIME, she would greet me with a BIG smile & hug & then say "Now what was your name again?" & laugh! 

Mae Young passes at 90 |  - ?
My condolences to Mae s entire family . #Respect

Triple H ‏@TripleH
#RIPTheOneandOnlyGreatMaeYoung Thank you for your example to my girls on how to get all you want out of life! #pioneer #legend  #whatarun

Nattie ‏@NatbyNature
I'll always remember Mae Young. We shared wonderful memories of my grandfather. She made me want to fight. There was no one like her.
?@TysonsKidd: @NatbyNature Love this picture of you and Mae! She will be missed! #RIPMaeYoung" couldn't agree more

Mickie James ‏@MickieJames
A fighter until the very end! Forever in our hearts,memories, & fighting spirit! A true HOF legend!💋💖💋 #RIPMaeYoung

Stephanie McMahon ‏@StephMcMahon
#RIPTheOneandOnlyGreatMaeYoung A true pioneer and legend has passed tonight.  Long live the memory of my friend and @WWE Hall of Famer.

TheMarkHenry ‏@TheMarkHenry
Johnnie Mae as I knew her was part of my wrestling family. She will be missed as much a anyone I've ever known!

Zack Ryder ‏@ZackRyder
RIP Mae Young. You will be missed.

Titus O'Neil ‏@TitusONeilWWE
Very sad 2Hear of the passing of @WWE Hall of Fame Diva Mae Young. One of the Greatest Women I've ever met. Funny,Sassy&Witty #RIPMaeYoung

2013 / 2013 Best overall Helper of 2013
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:11:04 pm »
Who do you think is the most helpful person in the server of the year 2013?

2013 / Overall best Shooter of 2013
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:04:37 pm »
Who do you think is the best shooter in the server of the year 2013?

2013 / 2013 Best Aircraft pilot of the year
« on: December 17, 2013, 04:59:04 pm »
Who is the best Aircraft pilot of the year of 2013?

2013 / Funniest Person of the year 2013
« on: December 17, 2013, 04:50:49 pm »
Who do you think is the funniest player of the year of 2013?

2013 / Best Driver of 2013
« on: December 17, 2013, 04:17:20 pm »
Who do you think is the best driver of the community of the year 2013?

2013 / 2013 Best Addition
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:46:27 am »
What added thing in the server do you think is the best addition of the year of 2013?

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