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Messages - Ewan_Raven

Pages: [1]
ECNR Suggestions / Re: asking dis chick to PROM!
« on: January 27, 2014, 02:52:14 am »
Perhaps invest in a ski mask and some chloroform. This could save you from "asking".

I prefer a shovel and the trunk of my car. I have a shitty old car that doesn't have an inside trunk release so this may not work for everyone!

Introductions / Re: I don't ever remember if I made one of these...
« on: January 20, 2014, 04:27:27 pm »
The boys are back in town.  :D

Just gotta get that reg now so I can build a house of roadblocks :D

Glad to have you back mate!


My man Ewan, you for sure no how to throw down a rap! +1 in my books now :D Welcome back!


Introductions / I don't ever remember if I made one of these...
« on: January 19, 2014, 03:18:23 am »
Hi, on the server I'm known as Ewan_Raven
In real life I'm just your average goth kid who is also a firefighter.

This is my face.

Rule Violations / Pantyman Hacking
« on: January 05, 2014, 09:36:24 pm »
Appeared on back of my car while going down the highway, then carjacked my BCSD locked car. Was also constantly DMing.

Public Relations / BCES TeamSpeak
« on: January 05, 2014, 08:05:09 pm »
10 Slots

Applications / Re: chohan's aplication
« on: January 02, 2014, 04:32:43 am »
Hello. Thank you for taking time to apply for the BCoFD. Unfortunately I feel that you are not able to represent the BCoFD due to some minor rule breaks recently. However I really believe that people can change, so I will allow you to reapply on the first of February, which is one month from now, provided that you act more professional in the server. While this may sound nit picky, real life emergency services are held to a higher standard, and I want the BCoFD to be a good looking organization.

Hopefully we can see you apply next month. Good luck and enjoy the server!

Operations / BCoFD
« on: January 01, 2014, 12:15:36 am »

Hello, and welcome to the Bone County Fire Department. I am your Chief, Ewan_Raven. With the increased activity in the server the need of highly trained individuals that can provide EMS and Firefighting services has risen. Therefor the creation of the Bone County Fire Department was called for.   

The BCoFD utilizes a number of firefighting units to be effective. Here are some of the units that are currently in the BCoFD fleet

Engine Company

The Engine Company is the workhorse of the fire department. When no other units are available this unit should be staffed first. Engine crews should have 2 firefighters on board, they should concentrate on putting out the fires on the ground.

Truck Company
The Ladder Company provides additional manpower. Two firefighters staff the ladder unit, their job is to get onto the roof and put out fires on top of the roof. They need to be able to climb to the top of buildings. It should be the second unit staffed.

Rescue Company
The Rescue Company, which may present itself as a squad or an ambulance, serves its primary function to render medical aid to persons. This unit should be staffed 3rd whenever more than 10 players are on the server or if there is a police operation underway. The rescue unit may not be staffed with criminal organizational members during police operations.

The High Rise Unit
The High Rise unit is a special unit for dealing with hazardous situations on roof tops where the ladder crew cannot reach. They use aircraft to reach tall buildings and extinguish fires as well as conduct water rescues. Their main unit is the Rain Dance. Normal Firefighters may not use this class and an application process as well as a testing process must be completed, when using ground transport the High Rise unit will use either the Barracks, Police Ranger, or Ambulance as transport. They may also have to do 'smoke jumping' by using parachutes to reach fire locations. 

What program do you need install the patrol cars? I tried Alci's IMG Editor and it just buggs out.
Any help?


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