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Topics - Saw

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
IRC Related / MOVED: Houston
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:27:43 pm »

General Information / EggStats v1.0
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:23:33 am »
EggStats is a way to watch your progress grow. From how many robberies you have committed to how much money you made from those robberies. This is the first version so there isn't really much to it. I am open to new suggestions and what to add next. In the following list I will mention what it already does and what I plan on it doing in the future. As this is on Houston, I only want EggStats suggestions and bugs here. Everything else should go in Houston's thread. Hope you guy's can find this useful.

Registration: About as easy as it gets.. One simple command and you're in forever, even for future added things. The command to register goes with the name so watch the spelling as I have already found it has confused people. lol. All you have to do is type "!reggister" In-Game, not IRC. Reason for it being IG is so that way it knows your player name. NOTE: If you change your IG Name. You will be restarting. It logs it by name, not anything else.

Personal Messages: You can receive a personal message from Houston on how you're doing every time you complete a task, such as robbing a store. I haven't completely figured out how I am actually going to do the PM's but I am up to any suggestions. You can enable PM's doing the command "!eggme" and disable it using the same command. You must be registered to use this command. He will also not log any of your robberies until you register. You can register and not ever see a PM, it will still log all your robberies and future events.

Things EggStats does as of right now: EggStats logs your connections and disconnections, and logs when you rob stores, players, and Bank cards from people who are offline. This is all I have done for the first version and added a lot of secure features in it to make sure it doesn't screw up, but like all machines, I a sure it will mess up eventually.

Things I'd like to see in the future: I plan on having him log all Terrorist stuff, cop stuff, and all thief stuff. Anything a civilian and City workers (cops, firefighters, paramedics, and garbage) do. I plan on saving all of that. Any suggestions for EggStats will be greatly appreciated. And also Please post any bugs! they are probably the most important thing I want to make sure isn't happening.

General Server Discussion / Viper missing?
« on: March 12, 2015, 07:44:24 pm »
Haven't seen Viper in ages now, just wondering if anyone has seen or heard from him. Also with FGRPG, I'm sure it is still in process but is Viper going to continue it or is someone else going to start working on it? I hope he is alright and maybe he can come back soon!

Houston / Houston
« on: March 07, 2015, 08:49:02 pm »
Suggestions for Houston are greatly appreciated! I will post his updates in this area for whoever is interested.


Bone County Fire Department / New Rule.
« on: May 23, 2014, 01:24:46 am »
For right now BCoFD members will be hired for BCSD because of our new base. Once I can pay to get our org fully this rule will not matter. So since you'll be hired as BCSD that means you will be able to use the BCSD vehicles. If you're not a BCSD member, you CAN NOT use BCSD vehicles only the provided Firefighting vehicles. If you're found with a BCSD police vehicle you will be removed from the org temporarily (or permanently) If you see a BCoFD member in a BCSD please report it to me or RoboCop. Thank you.

Applications / BCoFD applicants
« on: May 10, 2014, 09:53:55 pm »
Applications are still available! As soon as our new base gets in BCoFD will rise from the hole it has fallen into. So far 99% of the applicants that have filled out an application have been removed for inactivity. There are plenty of spots to be filled! Apply now!

ECNR Suggestions / Couple Saw Ideas.
« on: April 11, 2014, 03:52:13 pm »
When a building catches on fire maybe after a certain amount of time the place will actually be burnt down but only if like 60% of the fire is still left or if there are firefighters on the scene it wont burn down, but if it gets ignored it should burn down, kind of like the terrorist attack. And like after so many minutes the city will rebuild it.

Also; when a building is on fire players can not enter it, only firefighters to search the building, but regular players (like robbers) shouldn't be able to enter a building if it is on fire.

City workers (New Skill): When places get destroyed in a terrorist act these people will go to the scene and fix the buildings, making the buildings becoming fixed a lot fast so we can go back to robbing it, it catching on fire, etc.. We could also replace the Trash Master skill with City Worker and combine the classes.

Let me know what you think.

Friday Festival / Is there going to be another FNF?
« on: January 20, 2014, 01:03:36 pm »
Title seems to clear up what I'm about to discuss. So "will there be another FNF again"? I know people have been wondering if FNF would ever be happening every week. Well with things that had happened to me personally, I failed to lead the FNF Events. Things have cleared up now for me so I am going to bring back the weekly events, but FNF can not be successful with out you guys being there. I am already starting to plan our evets for the next FNF. I will still do it on Friday evenings, but I also need to know, What is the  best time for you guys. Down below I would like you to post what is the best time that fits your schedule so that you can participate in these events. I will have a list of events every Friday posted right after FNF. We will start the process of FNF not this Friday but next Friday. I do have something to do Friday that I wasn't expecting. FNF is coming back! So be here Friday, January 31, 2014. I will be posting our events this Friday (24th). Please post down below what time best fits you.

General Server Discussion / Happy Birthday RoboCop!
« on: January 14, 2014, 09:07:22 pm »
I would like to say Happy birthday to our favorite Administrator RoboCop who has turned 24 today. Hope you have an excellent day today!

Rule Violations / Flame $$$aziz$$$ and TimyBoy
« on: January 14, 2014, 08:30:45 am »
[12:26:03 AM] <%ECNR2>  $$$aziz$$$ (4) - stop man
[12:26:06 AM] <%ECNR2>  $$$aziz$$$ (4) - dzenis
[12:26:07 AM] <%ECNR2>  TimyBoy (3) - SHN OF A FREAKING BITCH
[12:26:08 AM] <%ECNR2>  Dzenis_Monster (5) - yes
[12:26:09 AM] <+Saw> !say Tim enough!
[12:26:09 AM] <%ECNR1> Saw(IRC) Tim enough!
[12:26:10 AM] <%ECNR1>  TimyBoy (3) - FUCK URE MOM AZIZ
[12:26:12 AM] <%ECNR1>  TimyBoy (3) - NO
[12:26:17 AM] <%ECNR1>  $$$aziz$$$ (4) - fuck ur mom
[12:26:19 AM] <%ECNR1>  $$$aziz$$$ (4) - bitch
[12:26:21 AM] <%ECNR1>  Dzenis_Monster (5) - my
[12:26:22 AM] <+Saw> FFS!
[12:26:27 AM] <%ECNR1>  $$$aziz$$$ (4) - not ur mom
[12:26:28 AM] <+Saw> FFFS!
[12:26:30 AM] <%ECNR1>  TimyBoy (3) - Fuck ur fucking cancer cancer mom
[12:26:30 AM] <%ECNR1>  $$$aziz$$$ (4) - dzenis
[12:26:30 AM] <%ECNR1>  Dzenis_Monster (5) - ok
[12:26:34 AM] <%ECNR1>  Dzenis_Monster (5) - yes
[12:26:40 AM] <+Saw> !report 4 Flame/DM
[12:26:40 AM] -ECNR1- Report Sent!
[12:26:46 AM] <+Saw> !report 3 Flame/DM
[12:26:46 AM] -ECNR1- Report Sent!
[12:26:49 AM] <%ECNR1>  $$$aziz$$$ (4) - ur mom is so so so so so so stupid
[12:27:14 AM] <%ECNR1>  TimyBoy (3) - ur mom is so ugly that she walks like a gay
[12:27:25 AM] <%ECNR1>  Saw (2) - !time
[12:27:25 AM] <+Saw> !say My current time is 12:27:25 AM
[12:27:26 AM] <%ECNR2> Saw(IRC) My current time is 12:27:25 AM
[12:27:29 AM] <%ECNR2>  Saw (2) - k
[12:27:30 AM] <%ECNR2>  $$$aziz$$$ (4) - fuck all ur family
[12:27:40 AM] <%ECNR2>  TimyBoy (3) - Fuck all ure family (thats alive)
[12:27:42 AM] <%ECNR1> [DISCONNECT] Saw (2) Has left the server (Left)
[12:27:51 AM] <%ECNR2>  $$$aziz$$$ (4) - fuck u fuck u fuck u
[12:27:58 AM] <%ECNR2>  $$$aziz$$$ (4) - i fuck ur
[12:28:00 AM] <%ECNR2>  $$$aziz$$$ (4) - mom
[12:28:05 AM] <%ECNR2>  TimyBoy (3) - Nope :D
[12:28:07 AM] <%ECNR2>  $$$aziz$$$ (4) - she loves my dick so much
[12:28:13 AM] <%ECNR2>  TimyBoy (3) - Nope :D
[12:28:19 AM] <%ECNR2>  TimyBoy (3) - You don't even have 1
[12:28:23 AM] <%ECNR2>  TimyBoy (3) - and if you do
[12:28:27 AM] <%ECNR2>  $$$aziz$$$ (4) - no man this is the truth
[12:28:33 AM] <%ECNR2>  $$$aziz$$$ (4) - u have to face it
[12:28:35 AM] <%ECNR2>  TimyBoy (3) - then hes smaller than this > |

This went on for like an hour or so.

Rule Violations / Will_Iron
« on: January 07, 2014, 09:31:55 am »
He has cash hacks and has been teleporting around, I don't have evidence of teleporting.

Code: [Select]
[01:23:19 AM] <%ECNR1> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $100000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:23:23 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $100000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:23:23 AM] <%ECNR1> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $100000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:23:24 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $100000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:23:24 AM] <%ECNR1> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $100000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:23:25 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $100000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:23:26 AM] <%ECNR1> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $100000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:23:26 AM] <%ECNR2> arie(2) has said hello!
[01:23:26 AM] <%ECNR1> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $100000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:23:27 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $100000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:23:35 AM] <%ECNR1> [REGISTRATION] arie(2)
[01:23:44 AM] <%ECNR2> [DISCONNECT] arie (2) Has left the server (Left)
[01:23:51 AM] <%ECNR1>  shivani (6) - pm 5 hi
[01:24:17 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $10000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:18 AM] <%ECNR1> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $10000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:19 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $10000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:20 AM] <%ECNR1> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $10000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:20 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $10000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:21 AM] <%ECNR1> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $10000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:21 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $10000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:22 AM] <%ECNR1> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $10000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:22 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $10000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:37 AM] <%ECNR1> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $500 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:37 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $500 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:38 AM] <%ECNR1> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $500 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:39 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $500 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:39 AM] <%ECNR1> Saw(1) Has begun a robbery at the AirPort
[01:24:39 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $500 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:40 AM] <%ECNR1> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $500 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:40 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $500 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:41 AM] <%ECNR1> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $500 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:44 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $1000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:44 AM] <%ECNR1> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $1000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:45 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $1000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:45 AM] <%ECNR1> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $1000 to receiver shivani(6)
[01:24:46 AM] <%ECNR2> Sender Will_Iron(5) Has sent $1000 to receiver shivani(6)

Applications / Saw
« on: December 15, 2013, 09:37:43 pm »
In-Game Username: Saw
Score: An approximation of your score: 115 I think
Training Date and Time: If accepted, the date and time (include time zone) that you would want to conduct training. Whenever is fine, just give me a time.
Career Track: You may choose Fire & Rescue, EMS or Both: Both
Skill Ratings:
[On-Ground Fire Control] - 7
[Pumper Driving] - 8
[Ladder Truck Driving] - 8
[Ambulance Driving] - 8
[Fire Ranger/SUV Driving] - 8
[Helicopter Piloting] - 7
[Boat Piloting] 5

Suggest a Rule / [RULES] IRC Nick Changes.
« on: June 22, 2013, 05:50:22 am »
There has been multiple people who have been changing their nicknames multiple times in a short amount of time. It gets annoying to a lot of players and it spams IRC and if not mistaken it also spams In-game.

Example of what I am talking about:

A has changed name to B
X has changed name to Y

all within a few minutes I have seen a person change their nickname up to about 15+ times

It should be a rule for:
1. Annoy's players
2. Spams In-game and IRC
3. Really there is no reason for the name change

People should be allowed to change names but not 20 times in like a 5 minute period. Hope this made sense.

General Server Discussion / Funny moments in ECNR? Post here :)
« on: June 20, 2013, 05:14:03 am »
(Wednesday | (09)21:10:22 PM) <+Hiredgun> 3 million :o
(Wednesday | (09)21:10:40 PM) <+Saw> (Wednesday | (09)21:07:20 PM) <%ECNR2> Today's jackpot is: ~$3310344.
(Wednesday | (09)21:10:42 PM) <+Hiredgun> You notice how the server always GMX's before the lotto can get to a decent amount
(Wednesday | (09)21:10:42 PM) <+Saw> yep
(Wednesday | (09)21:10:45 PM) <+Hiredgun> ?
(Wednesday | (09)21:10:49 PM) <+Saw> yeah
(Wednesday | (09)21:10:51 PM) <+Saw> lol
(Wednesday | (09)21:10:54 PM) <+Hiredgun> ITS LAME
(Wednesday | (09)21:10:58 PM) <+Saw> IKR
(Wednesday | (09)21:10:59 PM) <+Saw> lmao
(Wednesday | (09)21:11:00 PM) <%ECNR2> [ADMINISTRATION] The server will now have it's monthly restart.
(Wednesday | (09)21:11:00 PM) * %ECNR1 ( Quit (Quit: Gamemode exiting)
(Wednesday | (09)21:11:00 PM) <%ECNR2> BCSD Bank Balance saved with a total of $50000
(Wednesday | (09)21:11:00 PM) * %ECNR2 ( Quit (Quit: Gamemode exiting)
(Wednesday | (09)21:11:04 PM) <+Hiredgun> SEE
(Wednesday | (09)21:11:06 PM) <+Hiredgun> LOOK AT THIS
(Wednesday | (09)21:11:09 PM) <+Saw> LMAO

General Server Discussion / Saw's Goodbye.
« on: May 28, 2013, 08:21:34 pm »

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