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Topics - Viper

Pages: [1] 2
Friday Festival / FnF event list!
« on: January 25, 2014, 08:59:50 pm »
Here are the events that will be run during FnF!
Also viewable with !fnflist with Houston.

1: King of the Trailer by Saw
2: FFA Rustler Fight(s) by Saw
3: Big Rig Race to Mt. Chilliad by Saw
4: Roof Top Battle (Any Vehicle) by Saw
5: Under Water Hydra Fight by Saw
6: Team Deathmatch Battle in Ireland's DM Arena by Saw
7: HideandSeek Caution Cone by Saw
8: WWE fight by Saw

Announcements / Christmas Update
« on: December 24, 2013, 08:53:59 pm »
First of all i'd like to say Merry Christmas to you all! Just wanted to make a quick update to assure you I am still alive and actually bothering with this Project (Which i am!). Progress has been going smoothly with many other features being added over the last month or so. Also a lot of refinement is being done on completed features to make sure they are working 100% and look appealing and absolutely awesome. Unfortunately I will have to say that FGRPG will not see a 2013 release date but if everything goes to plan we are looking at a 1st quarter release next year. I will of course try my best to get it out as soon as possible. However January will be busy for me with two assignments and an exam but i'm sure I can squeeze in some work. Plus the support from Enigma and WatakiWatako(Shock horror) has been amazing and I wouldn't have got nearly as far without them.

Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas to everybody!

Discuss Anything / Big Apology From EGC Staff
« on: December 24, 2013, 12:02:24 am »
As some of you may be aware, there was an argument between members of staff of EGC which included myself that happened publicly in front of everybody who was connected to the ECNR and the IRC network at that time. I will first say myself that I am genuinely sorry for what took place and how it happened. I'm sure it was apalling to watch members of staff that are supposed to promote a friendly and fun atmopshere, shatter that atmosphere with serious arguments that should of been taken straight to a private chat. It was also a very poor reflection on what EGC standards are normally like and a poor reflection on Byrner/Enigma who has spent a mega amount of time, effort and money on making this one of the best communities on the planet.

Rest assured of course that although you may not be thinking it right now, the admin team get on very well, we do give each other a hard time (As any team would), but there is a certain amount of love in the air that warms the heart ever so slightly. And after a long chat together, we have all reinforced that love and im even back to William Wagner jokes (Literally the best name on the planet). Also not to make excuses but I can't help but blame Global Warming, its just too hot and I dont have any A/C.

Games / Random Post (DONT READ ME)
« on: December 19, 2013, 04:47:18 pm »
Dont read this, Im testing the bot to see if it can be fucked to read this post or not!

General Server Discussion / Opinion Poll (#1)
« on: December 10, 2013, 07:09:04 pm »
Ive been thinking that rather than sitting here trying to figure out what you all want, Ill just ask you all! So here it is! :D (NOTE: This poll is just for opinions, the one which is picked most isn't Guaranteed to be added, i just want opinions!)

So here it goes, obviously you already know its a Cops And Robbers server which means cops must be included. However, i'm not 100% sure what direction to take, so i've listed various scenarios on how I can implement it. Pick a scenario and then post a reply with your opinions and thanks in advance! Or if you don't like any of the scenarios, don't vote but post your opinion anyway!

Scenario 1
Simple, exactly like ECNR: Taze, cuff, detain and arrest. No biggey :D

Scenario 2
Same as above but with optimizations such as detaining only vehicles nearby and perhaps only allow people to be cuffed if they are either tazed or surrendered!

Scenario 3
Remove /cuff and /detain and instead keep it simple. You get a Tazer like in ECNR but being tazed automatically arrests you rather than having to /cuff and /ar or /detain. Keeps it simpler and more like a game but some people may feel it's too lacking of realism.

Scenario 4
Go even further and just /ar any wanted person next to you which sends them straight to jail. Simplest way but you may think this is overpowered to police!

Scenario 5
Same as above but with add some challenges, mainly a system where you can not use the command /ar if you have been damaged in the last 5 or 10 seconds. Means if a criminal starts a gunfight, police will have to respond with fire!

Scenario 6
Same as Scenario 3 with the tazer but will not be able to taze if recently damaged like on Scenario 5!

Thank you!

Pictures / Screenshots (#1)
« on: November 22, 2013, 03:36:33 pm »
First post showing a few screenshots of what to expect. More to come! :)

General Server Discussion / English and Cultural Ignorance (In my opinion)
« on: November 14, 2013, 02:14:51 pm »
Just my 2 cents into this situation but I am getting more befuddled, confused and angry to zero tolerances on other languages and rather than sat complaining about, ill make a post to get a general wide opinion on it.

In a world such as today, with multiple languages and the fact SA-MP languages are very various with many people having other primary languages and not knowing a great amount of English, it seems foolish and ignorant to come down harsh on people talking to other people in a different language.

This is doubly strange that if people of 2 or more are in the server all talking a different language, an admin still comes up to force them to talk English or shut up despite no English talkers in the server.

Triply strange (If thats a word) that they are forced to speak English to explain themselves if they break a rule when they clearly don't have a clue what they are saying. Nobody even thinks about Google translator (Apart from me), a very popular, efficient translation program that the people at Google worked their arses off to make.

Im trying not to rant here, it's something that bugs me and I wanted to see other people's opinions.

Announcements / Some updates and your chance for a sneak peek!
« on: November 13, 2013, 07:21:32 pm »
Just thought i'd make a post with an update or two and to make sure you guys are all aware that this project is alive and kicking. Remember to check back regularly on this forum and join #FGRPG for any updates or questions you may have!

Ill also start posting little teasers and screenshots in the screenshot post up until it's release to keep you guys excited.

But now onto the big news, after some discussion, you will have the chance to get a sneak peek at anytime or get yourself started for when it's released. We are offering you a few things you may buy starting from right now when this is posted!

10 Euros - Access to random sneak peeks and various alpha/beta tests.
5 Euros - Pre-order an ingame house that can be yours straight off!

For the house, you may choose a house ingame once it's released and you will be automatically given the house by me or an Admin.

And also the big one! The right to play pre-released content may be paid for and redeemed at anytime! Once the payment has been sent to me or Byrner, I will give you the details to the beta server, give you a small tour and allow you to roam free. You will also recieve various invites. Any secrets or features you uncover during the beta release MUST NOT BE SHARED WITH ANYBODY BUT ME OR BYRNER. This is your only warning!

Anybody who wishes to make a purchase, contact me or Byrner or reply to this post and I will come find you myself for details and information on how to make the purchase.

Server Suggestions / Post any pre-release ideas here.
« on: November 11, 2013, 05:33:56 pm »
I know FGRPG is not out yet but you guys all know the general concept. A cops and robbers role-play themed server based in San Fierro!

So any brilliant ideas you have, make a forum post and I promise I will read and consider every suggestion I see in this board! Take it seriously though please! No stupid suggestions.

Announcements / Important Announcement Regarding FGRPG
« on: November 03, 2013, 11:36:40 pm »
Hello! Due to this announcement (http://main.enigmaticgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=2204.0), I can now formally announce that FGRPG is in full scale development and I will be managing the development and running of FGRPG.

FGRPG will also be a SA-MP Cops and Robbers Roleplaying server but with many differences from ECNR. Although I can't go into details, you may find this server to be different in many ways while still maintaining the core principal of traditional Cops and Robbers.

I will stress now that this is part of EGC, therefore, this server will not be a rival of ECNR. Byrner has had a very active role in the making of this script and both of us have equal interest in both servers.

As far as a release date goes, theres not much I can really say other than we are sincerely hoping for a 2013 release date. FGRPG has been in development for about a month now and we have made amazing progress so fingers crossed you will all get to enjoy it soon!

Check back on the FGRPG forum often for any announcements, updates, or release information, join #FGRPG on IRC and I hope you are all as excited as I am!

General Server Discussion / Free BNC Server
« on: July 26, 2013, 02:57:55 pm »
I wasn't sure where to put this so any admin feel free to move it to a relevant location.

With permission from Wataki I have set up a small BNC server exclusive for EGC. This is basically a server which keeps your IRC nickname connected when you are disconnected which allows your nickname to be permanently connected to IRC. There are a few advantages:

1) Permanent and eerie presence in IRC regardless of connection status.
2) Channels will be logged even when offline and queries are played back to you on connection
3) No need to rejoin channels or constantly identify with NickServ
4) Prevents your NickServ account expiring after 21 days of inactivity (Good for when going away)
5) If your connection drops you won't rejoin with a different nick automatically and get banned from restricted channels which can be a pain in the ass.

Once set up with an account you must simply just connect to the server on mIRC with the following command:
/server harry.kire.net:9001 <username>:<password>
I will give you your username and password when the BNC is created. You can then change it with the webadmin at harry.kire.net:9001. You can login with your BNC username and password
You can also set your name to change when you disconnect to make people aware that you are not connected. Your name will automatically change back when you reconnect. Use /msg *status loadmod awaynick and then /msg *awaynick set <your away name>.

If you are told by the server that you have the wrong password. Make your you are typing everything correctly and that the BNC is not experiencing problems.

If all else fails and you can't connect then just use /server irc.enigmaticgc.com to directly connect to IRC. If you want your BNC cancelled just tell me or if im not around you can kill the BNC by using /ns ghost <name> <nickserv pass>. This will allow you to get your username back.

Act fast because im going in a few days and then i wont be active very much. I will be back in full flow in later August though so you can still get one eventually. Join #BNC, post here or query me to get one or for help.

General Server Discussion / [PETITION/POLL] Bring Hunters back
« on: July 24, 2013, 10:07:33 pm »
I know there was some hate towards Hunters and were removed but speaking to some people, people do miss them and the army seems rubbish now.

Yes they are powerful, but that's kind of the point. You don't go around blowing up dams and the federal reserve and not expect power army resistance. Hydras do the job but they are difficult to control and a pain to track targets in a vehicle and easy for them to evade you. They perform better against suspects in the air.

You can sit here and whine at me how i'm just moaning because I need proper good skill to kill you but the whole idea of the army is to pack firepower against the reds and taking away a powerful vehicle like the Hunter is just silly.

Also being army is meant to be a privilege that you can earn by being a regular player and trusted through the community. Hunters are fun and a nice reward you get for being a good part of the community. Quite a slap in the face to see them gone especially how I was looking forward to earning army status but i wouldn't even give it a thought now.

Also I cant help but feel (Correct me if im wrong) this was all a movement from people (Im not going to name people) who just seem like they want this server to be all criminals despite the server being a Cops and Robbers server.

Since im not an admin or part of the scripting team, no direct action will result from this poll. Hopefully though this will truly see if many people feel the same way or if its just me (which i hope it isnt) and hopefully get them back.

General Server Discussion / My Unnecessarily Overly-Dramatic Exit
« on: July 05, 2013, 11:58:49 pm »
Yes it is time for my extremely over dramatic exit. As ive mentioned to most people i talk to, I have a large series of holidays over this summer and other shit to sort out meaning my activity will effectively be 0. I've had an amazing month at this server and its been great to catch up with some oldies and ive met some great new people. Lucky me to just happen to stumble across this server or who knows where else i might of ended up. I should be back fully and 100% in late August or early September at the latest.

You've got a great server here Byrner, good to see you've pulled it off again! And apparently I have to mention Deadpros in this post because of him stalking me on Skype :( Ill also mention i finally rekindled my relationship with Curiosity. He banned and broke my heart but i have the keys to his mansion now so we are even for now. Can't forget our wee scotsman, some great long night chats and helping me get back into some scripting.

And what deserves his own paragraph is none other than WILLIAM WAGNER! RoboCop you have the best name in existance and I am not joking in any way. Everybody should say it in an american accent. WILLIAM WAGNER!

Ciao for now guys. And yes i am aware of this is stupidly long and silly considering im only gone 1-2 months but we all enjoy teh Drama!

ECNR Suggestions / Cop skill
« on: June 20, 2013, 02:46:58 pm »
I think, similar to rob skill, there should be a cop skill. You start off with no skill and limited weapons. And as you earn skill, you get better weapons, better/cheaper refills on weapons, better police cars and more skins can come available. Also /crb and /spike should be dictated on that aswell. A final thought, maybe your status of army could be put on this instead?

Discuss Anything / Post a picture of your car!
« on: June 16, 2013, 07:25:06 pm »
Since this is GTA which is a game that has a focus on cars, why don't we all post a picture of your own car? :D See who has the coolest car of us all :)

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